I want to remove "," from the given string in $code variable but the result is showing "Array" in $code1 instead of balakrishnan. How to rectify the error.

$code1 = explode(',', $code);
  • Yes, str_replace or rtrim will help you :)
    – prava
    Commented Jun 2, 2014 at 13:07

3 Answers 3


You don't want explode() which splits a string up into an array. You want str_replace() which replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string:

$code1 = str_replace(',', '', $code);

or, in your use case, rtrim() would work, too:

$code1 = rtrim($code, ',');


You do want to use explode(), you just need to access the variables correctly.

$code1 = explode(',',"balakrishnan,kumar,vinoth");
echo $code1[0]; // prints "balakrishnan"
  • actually my string like "balakrishnan,kumar,vinoth" how to remove , only Commented Jun 2, 2014 at 13:07
  • Then use str_replace() only
    – John Conde
    Commented Jun 2, 2014 at 13:07

If, for some reason you still want to use explode, just do:

echo $code1[0];

There is a dozen ways to do this. If you use explode(), also use implode() again.

$code1 = implode('',explode(',', $code));

$code1 = str_replace(',','', $code);

$code1 = substr($code,0,-1);


I would say, go with my last solution, because in the future you might have other commas in the middle of your string which you might want to keep.

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