I'm migrating a maven project to ant + ivy (it's an arbitrary decision, and it has to be done ).

The thing is that comparing both WAR files, the ant and the maven one, the former has a lot more 3rd party jars than the first one...

At first I thought that they were transitive dependencies but when I run mvn dependency:tree they don't appear there.

Any ideas?


Just for the record, I'm aware of the scope attribute of maven. I'm excluding all the provided and test dependencies in the ivy.xml file

  • Could you give concrete examples? That could make finding the problem easier. Does ivy understand optional dependencies? Commented Mar 3, 2010 at 14:38
  • Sure. It's loading to the lib folder, deps like these: asm, geronimo, antlr, ldapsdk, etc. I have no relation to those in my code, not even close Commented Mar 3, 2010 at 14:42

1 Answer 1


You can use the ivy:report Ant task to generate a report of the dependencies resolved by Ivy. In this report, you can see where the extra dependencies are comming from.


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