I have a before_save in my model

before saving the record to the database...I'd like to print out the autoincremented ID that will be inserted. My table has a column id in it.

I tried

before_save :printId

def printId
   puts "ID that will be inserted is: " + self.id

this does not work...

  • Where would you like such a printed statement to show up? in the console? in a view?
    – user94154
    Commented Feb 10, 2010 at 7:47
  • The question is: What do you need it for? If you need it beforehand for some reason, probably something is wrong with your application design or your understandings of ActiveRecord.
    – hurikhan77
    Commented Feb 10, 2010 at 21:41

2 Answers 2


Try after_save.

  • As mentioned by Beerlington, the id is nil until save occurs.
    – Sam Coles
    Commented Feb 10, 2010 at 9:38

The autoincrement ID does not exist for an ActiveRecord object until it has been saved. It's possible to get the next autoincrement ID for a table, but this doesn't guarantee that the ID will be given to your object when saved since another record may have been added in the meantime.

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