Here's my workflow:

Setup tables, constraints etc. in V1__CreateSchema.sql (checksum = 

Run flyway migration --> database gets created.

Then I realize that the schema needs to be updated:

Update sql statements in V1__CreateSchema.sql (checksum =   

Run flyway migration --> flyway ignores the fact that a previously run migration's signature has changed.

[INFO] --- flyway-maven-plugin:2.3:migrate (default-cli) @ zeus ---
[INFO] Current version of schema `mydb`: 1
[INFO] Schema `mydb` is up to date. No migration necessary.

Is this a supported workflow? I would expect flyway to fail stating that a fork has been made in the past migration path.

2 Answers 2


Set flyway.validateOnMigrate to true and you should be good to go.


As per the question, It looks like you are using flyway-maven-plugin. Flyway maven plugin is supporting basic commands which could be used with flyway execution.

Here is the list of commands which are applicable to run with plugin.

 1. Migrate
 2. Validate
 3. Info
 4. Clean
 5. Baseline
 6. Repair

Example: mvn flyway:command_name

Now, let's say if we would like to confirm that current classpath schemas are changed or not from the previous versions then we could validate it by executing below command

mvn flyway:validate

Apart from this, Configure or add the property named with validateOnMigrate to true at your flyway properties.

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