I look for some trick which gives me possibility to change the syso behaviour in Eclipse (please assume that below there is Eclipse´s editor), now it works in this way:


% - means the plase when i typed ctrl + space, and result is:


but I want to have of course without copying text..:


Any hints ? :-) Thanks in advance !

  • I don't think, but the similar thing would be like this System.out.println(${var})
    – user2511414
    Commented Oct 31, 2013 at 14:01
  • You have to write your own template for sysout and add it to the eclipse Commented Oct 31, 2013 at 14:02

3 Answers 3



The feature is called "code templates" in Eclipse. You can add templates with Preferences->Java->Editor->Templates. Two good articles:

Also, this SO question:

System.out.println() is already mapped to sysout, so you may save time by learning a few of the existing templates first.


If you wan´t to change current template you can press shift + end (to select 'someVariable') and then press ctrl + space and up, enter to select sysout.


Answering the original question or at least how I understood it:

Modify the existing template syntax for sysout (Preferences->Java->Editor->Templates find sysout and select edit) to read:


Now you can type syso and then ctr+space and instantly get the output:


Or as you put it:


...with the cursor inside the brackets which is indeed more efficient than starting after the semicolon.

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