How can I check if a checkbox is checked via jQuery?

Can I just add an ID or class to the element and do this?

if($('#element').val() == 1) { 
  //do stuff 

3 Answers 3


    //checkbox is checked



if($('#element:checked').length > 0){

    //checkbox is checked


or in jQuery 1.6+:

if($('#element:checked').prop('checked') === true){

    //checkbox is checked


It depends on where you are trying to do this. Generally you can do:






or older version of jquery ( < 1.6) that doesn't support prop, attr used to do the job of prop as well to set/reset properties of element (Incase of standalone attributes like checked, selected, disabled etc...);

 $('#element').attr('checked') //will return boolean value

If it is in the context of the checkbox like, if in a change event you can just do:

  • @user2864740 Not really see the comment and the statement before that. For your proof test it against older version of jquery <=1.5 or so
    – PSL
    Commented Oct 19, 2013 at 4:37
  • 1
    @user2864740 Sorry, really sleepy. :P Either way, yeah, in jQuery < 1.6, there was no .prop() so .attr() did retrieve DOM properties back then. Commented Oct 19, 2013 at 4:38
  • Also older version of jq that doesn't support prop used to make up for setting property for standalone attributes.
    – PSL
    Commented Oct 19, 2013 at 4:38
  • @user2864740 Here you go one with version 1.5 jsfiddle.net/tgY2Y
    – PSL
    Commented Oct 19, 2013 at 4:41

Using element's id or class is a good way of doing all this, but since we're using jQuery, you might use their API and here is the solution:

$('input[type="checkbox"]').is(':checked') {
  // do the stuff here..

You can also use #element instead of the input[type="checkbox"]'.

This way, you can get to know that the checkbox is checked.

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