all I am trying to make a program to help deaf people communicate with the average person For a few signs you need to have a moving image! What my goal is to have a gif like an image or a slide show that will go from one image to the next making it like a moving image. The modules I am currently using are:

  • easygui
  • random
  • time
  • sys
  • os
  • curses
  • locale

I have never done anything with images using python. I am using a mac but I need anything else I might need to add to be multi-platform. I am hoping someone has more experiences with python than I do. Thank you for helping :)

1 Answer 1


This may a duplicate of that.

You may also want to change your approach to using pydown, which generates slides as HTML5 + javascript from simple markdown text and stores everything as a self-contained package. End-users only need a browser to view the result. You may add your own javascript to flip slides after a timeout...

  • I spent 1 hours googling this and that never came up Commented Sep 2, 2013 at 6:24

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