I have used following command in Win7:

netsh http add urlacl url=[http://+:1234/] user=\Everyone

But it does not work in WinXP. So I downloaded httpcfg.exe,but cannot find appropriate syntax to convert my original command to httpcfg format

1 Answer 1


MSDN seems to have an example for this. It doesn't seem like you can just specify the user as with netsh. httpcfg takes a Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) string.

Generating SDDL strings is described in another question. Basically, you can read the specification, or you can set the desired permissions on a random file on your system and then use cacls FILE_PATH /S to get the SDDL.

So after generating the SDDL, you'd probably want something like:

httpcfg set urlacl /u http://+:1234/ /a "<SDDL>"

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