i am converting a project from Ant to Maven and i'm having problems with a specific unit test which deals with UTF-8 characters. The problem is about the following String:

String l_string = "ČäÁÓý\n€řЖжЦ\n№ЯФКЛ";

The problem is that the unit test fails, because the String is read as the following:


The java class is saved as UTF-8 and i also specify the build encoding to UTF-8 in the pom.xml.

Here is an excerpt of my pom.xml:





Am i missing something here? It would be great, if someone could help me here.


Regarding the test code:

public void testTransformation()

    String l_string = "ČäÁÓý\n€řЖжЦ\n№ЯФКЛ";
    System.out.println( ">>> " + l_string );
     c_log.info( l_string );
    StringBuffer l_stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    int l_stringLength = l_string.length();

    String l_fileName = System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) + File.separator + "transformation" + File.separator + "TransformationMap.properties";
    Transformation.init( l_fileName );

    Properties l_props = Transformation.getProps();
    for ( int i = 0; i < l_stringLength; i++ )
        char l_char = l_string.charAt( i );
        int l_intValue = (int) l_char;
        if ( l_intValue <= 255 )
            l_stringBuffer.append( l_char );
            l_stringBuffer.append( l_props.getProperty( String.valueOf( l_char ), "" ) );
    c_log.info( l_stringBuffer.toString() );
    byte[] l_bytes = l_string.getBytes();
    byte[] l_transformedBytes = Transformation.transform( l_bytes );
    assertNotNull( l_transformedBytes );


The following logic isn't really relevant(?) because after the first sysout the before mentioned "?" are printed instead of the correct characters (and therefore the following tests fail). There is also no use of a default platform encoding.

The test converts each character according to the TransformationMap.properties file, which is in the following form (just an excerpt):


It should be noted that the test runs without any problem when i build the project with Ant.

  • 1
    What is the test code? Does it use the platform default encoding at any place? Or does the code under test do that somewhere? Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 14:27
  • @Joachim Sauer: I updated my posting. Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 15:04
  • @softandsafe: that's not a useful test, because if your output console isn't set to use a unicode encoding, then the output will look wrong, even if l_string contains the correct data (i.e. even if it is compiled correctly). Do you have an actual assert that fails? Or do you just verify visually if it works? Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 15:06
  • @JoachimSauer: I updated my post again. I have an actual assert that fails. Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 15:15

6 Answers 6


I have found a "solution" myself:

I had to pass the encoding into the maven-surefire-plugin, but the usual


did not work. I still have no idea why, but when i pass the command line arguments into the plugin, the tests works as they should:


Thanks for all your responses and additional comments!

  • 1
    I'm wondering what the default encoding is; probably cp15xx. Try this: Remove the -Dfile.encoding and print the result of Charset.defaultCharSet() in your test. I'm also wondering why it matters; the code is compiled with the compiler plugin; surefire should be independent of the compile step. Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 11:36
  • 2
    windows-1252. It seems to use the OS default encoding, but the encoding is set everywhere in the pom file to UTF-8 even in the surefire-plugin. Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 13:18
  • 20
    Maybe a bit more resilient solution would be <argLine>-Dfile.encoding=${project.build.sourceEncoding}</argLine>
    – Rade_303
    Commented May 15, 2015 at 16:29
  • 6
    This is still open. Issue moved from codehaus to apache at issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-951
    – BlueDog
    Commented Mar 17, 2017 at 10:00
  • 2
    Saved my day, man! It took me like 2 hours to figure out the root of my problem (tests were running perfectly fine from IntelliJ IDEA, but one test always failed from Maven). The reason was a literal string in Cyrillic was passed properly (as UTF-8) into myBatis mapper when run from IDEA, but wrongly (as Cp-1251) when run with Maven. Adding Surefile plugin configuration into POM file and specifying argline did the trick!
    – 62mkv
    Commented Oct 11, 2017 at 13:28
  1. When debugging Unicode problems, make sure you convert everything to ASCII so you can read and understand what is inside of a String without guesswork. This means you should use, for example, StringEscapeUtils from commons-lang3 to turn ä into \u00e4. That way, you can be sure that you see ? because the console can't print it. And you can distinguish " " (\u0020) from " " (\u00a0)

    In the test case, check the escaped version of the inputs as early as possible to make sure the data is actually what you expect.

    So the code above should be:

    assertEquals("\u010d\u00e4\u....", escape(l_string));
  2. Make sure you use the correct encoding for file I/O. Never use the default encoding of Java, always use InputStreamReader/OutputStreamWriter and specify the encoding to use.

  3. The POM looks correct. Run mvn with -X to make sure it picks up the correct options and runs the Java compiler using the correct options. mvn help:effective-pom might also help.

  4. Disassemble the class file to check the strings. Java will use ? to denote that it couldn't read something.

    If you get the ? from System.out.println( ">>> " + l_string );, this means the code wasn't compiled with UTF-8 or that the source file was maybe saved with another Unicode encoding (UTF-16 or similar).

    Another source of problems could be the properties file. Make sure it was saved with ISO-8859-1 and that it wasn't modified by the compilation process.

  5. Make sure Maven actually compiles your file. Use mvn clean to force a full-recompile.


I had a really resilient problem of this kind and setting environmental variable


fixed the issue for me.


Your problem is not the encoding of the source file (and therefore the String inside your class file) but the Problem is the encoding of System.out's implicite PrintStream. It uses file.encoding which represents the System encoding, and this is in Windows the ANSI codepage.

You would have to set up a PrintWriter with the OEM code page (or you use the class which is intended for this: Console).

See also various bugs around this in: http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4153167


this works for me:



Following works for me without any issues:

            <argLine>${argLine} -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8</argLine>

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