I'm using git (in fact, msysgit) 1.6.4 on Windows. Most of the time I'm doing work in some feature branches. Every now and then, I want to hop back to master to cherry-pick one particular commit I did in my feature branch - usually because it's a useful bugfix which makes sense even without the feature. My workflow is like this - if this is unnecessarily complicated, please tell me :-) :

git checkout -b mycoolfeaturebranch
// hack away, implementing a feature and one bugfix (while I'm at it)

git add file_with_bugfix.cpp
git commit -m "Fixed bug 12345  // commit the bugfix
git checkout master             // hop over to master
git cherry-pick                 // bring the bugfix into master

At this point, I usually want to hop back to my feature branch to continue work on the feature. Unfortunately, my branch names tend to become a little long (like, 'mycoolfeaturebranch') and I don't have git branch name tab completion on Windows.

Is there maybe something like cd - on Unix shells (which hops to the previous directory, useful for toggling between two directories)? A git checkout - would be great. :-)

2 Answers 2


From $GIT/Documentation/RelNotes-1.6.2.txt:

  • "git checkout -" is a shorthand for "git checkout @{-1}".

Did you try it?

  • Argh! I tried it with some older git version, but didn't retry it since I upgraded to git 1.6.4. D'oh! Thanks for pointing this out! Commented Oct 21, 2009 at 10:56


 git checkout @{-1}

From git rev-parse:

The special construct @{-<n>} means the th branch checked out before the current one.

As mentioned by Stefan Näwe in his answer:

"git checkout -" is a shorthand for "git checkout @{-1}".

Even though the syntax @{-1} has been around 1.6.2, it is only since 1.6.2 it is fully effective, as Junio C. Hamano comments back in February 2009 (emphasis mine):

The @{-1} syntax was added long before you started getting hyperactive this round, but it will be in 1.6.2 and has been advertised as "usable anywhere you can use a branch name", but in reality it is not.

I have been fixing up various places to match the reality with the claim.
I am making "git merge @{-1}" work now.

(Note: that differs from @{<n>}

A ref followed by the suffix @ with an ordinal specification enclosed in a brace pair (e.g. {1}, {15}) to specify the n-th prior value of that ref.
For example master@{1} is the immediate prior value of master while master@{5} is the 5th prior value of master.
This suffix may only be used immediately following a ref name and the ref must have an existing log ($GIT_DIR/logs/).

You can use the @ construct with an empty ref part to get at a reflog of the current branch.
For example, if you are on the branch blabla, then @{1} means the same as blabla@{1}.


  • Excellent! Works well - unfortunately @{-1} is a little annoying to type. For now, I created an alias called 'git cc' which does a 'git checkout @{-1}'. Or is there maybe a way to make 'git checkout -' an alias for 'git checkout @{-1}'? Commented Oct 21, 2009 at 10:52
  • git checkout - functions as git checkout @{-1}. The @{-1} is special case of the more generic @{-n}, i.e. nth last checked out branch. Commented Oct 21, 2009 at 12:51

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