I have a div which has 2 images inside of it. Both the images are wrapped in a single a tag.

The first image is a solid image, it has a relative position. The second image is a transparent PNG that sits over the top of the solid image with absolute positioning. Both images are the same size & both images have a lowered opacity.

Basically I want to be able to transition both images to full opacity on hover, but as the transparent PNG covers the solid image completely. Using :hover only triggers the transition for the top image, because I'm technically not hovering over the solid image below.

Is there any way this can be achieved?

1 Answer 1


Use the :hover pseudo class of the parent a element instead:

div a:hover img {opacity:1;}

This will apply the transition to both child img elements simultaneously.

  • Of Course! Silly oversight on my behalf! Many thanks, worked a treat!
    – clkz0r
    Commented Mar 7, 2013 at 0:50

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