I'm using Visual Studio 2012, linked up to TFS 2012 for source control.

I've just branched some code, but after creating the branch files it told me I don't have 'Manage Branch' permission.

Not an issue, I can sort that, but my Google skills are failing me when it comes to working out exactly what this little purple 'T' icon means in the source explorer window.

enter image description here

I presume it's a pending change?

LATER THAT DAY : After sorting the permissions out, I checked the new branch in ok and the icon disappeared, but I'd still like to know what it meant, and how to identify any other icons that might appear.

  • Is this specific to VS2012? Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 12:45

2 Answers 2


It's just the new VS2012 icon for a pending Branch action. If you look closely, it's not a 'T' but actually an upwards facing split arrow. A larger version of the icon can be seen if you look at the File -> Source Control -> Branching and Merging -> Branch menu item.

Normally you won't see this since branch actions are usually performed server side. In your case since you didn't have permissions it was tracked as a pending branch request, and cleared once your permission problem was resolved.

  • 2
    Just saw this for the first time in VS2017, it also appears whenever a pending branch has not been committed via check-in.
    – Lemiarty
    Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 19:06

When you check in your new branch the purple icon will disappear.

The purple T symbol will be shown next to all files in a newly created branch that has pending changes (the branch is created but not checked in). I assume this is the 'pending change' indicator at source control or branching level.

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