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Can’t find microsoft.sqlserver.batchparser.dll

I have Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 installed.

I want to Include Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser.dll as Assebly in C#. But I cant find that dll.

If i go to my GAC Folder the Assebly is there:

enter image description here

But the references dialog box in VS2008 won't show it to me.

Where can i find or how can i get that dll?


1 Answer 1


The BatchParser is part of SMO. As a simple rule you are never allowed to redistribute a DLL that you did not create yourself, unless explicitly allowed. Redistributable DLLs come in redistributable packages. For SQL Server the SMO redistributable packages come in form of 'feature packs'. For SQL Server 2008 the corresponding feature pack was announced here but the links to the feature pack itself are broken. You can use the Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Feature Pack. It contains the SharedManagementObjects.msi which you need to include and distribute with your application to install the required SMO objects on your target computer. Another alternative is to use an open source SQL batch execution library.

  • I installed the SMO. But still can't find or include BatchParser. Do i have something else to do?
    – Paks
    Commented Jan 17, 2013 at 10:36
  • Did you install it for the right architecture? Commented Jan 17, 2013 at 10:38
  • 1
    Yes i installed Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Shared Management Objects X64 Package. In my GAC Folder now Appears Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser for AMD64. But still cant find the dll and the references dialog box in VS2008 won't show it.
    – Paks
    Commented Jan 17, 2013 at 10:43

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