What I want to do is when the user clicks on a color(div.colour_palette_box) I want to update Big Box(div.region). Problem is code should be dynamic since I have several set(div.color_set). One of them are shown below.

This is the UI which I'm referring to,

enter image description here

In fire bug it will look like this below.

enter image description here

What I tried up to now is.

            //both does not work


Above code does not get me the closest div.region to the clicked div.colour_palette_box ? How can I get it ?


Actual HTML

<div class="color_set">
   <div class="region">
      <div colorpalette="colour_selection_box_bg" class="colour_box"></div>
      <p>Product Background</p>
   <div class="colour_selection_box_bg colorpalette" style="display: block;">
      <img src="components/com_jink/assets/images/close_mark.jpg" class="colorpalette_close" />
      <div class="colour_palette">
         <div colorid="6" colorregion="bgcolor" style="background:#000000" class="colour_palette_box"></div>
         <div colorid="7" colorregion="bgcolor" style="background:#00FF00" class="colour_palette_box"></div>
         <div colorid="8" colorregion="bgcolor" style="background:#0000FF" class="colour_palette_box"></div>
         <div colorid="9" colorregion="bgcolor" style="background:#FF0000" class="colour_palette_box"></div>
         <div colorid="10" colorregion="bgcolor" style="background:#FFFF00" class="colour_palette_box"></div>


  • Better post your actual HTML code, not a screenshot, and a jsfiddle.net demo. Commented Nov 12, 2012 at 5:08
  • question has been updated as requested.
    – Techie
    Commented Nov 12, 2012 at 5:11
  • 1
    I think you'll need to take jQuery(this).parent().parent().prev('div.region') or something like that Commented Nov 12, 2012 at 5:11
  • 1
    div.region is not an ancestor of div.colour_palette_box, that's why .closest does not work. Commented Nov 12, 2012 at 5:13
  • @Alexandre Lavoie : Thanks if you can post it as an answer I can accept it.
    – Techie
    Commented Nov 12, 2012 at 5:14

4 Answers 4


Try this:

jQuery('div#color_wrapper').on('click', 'div.colour_palette_box', function() {
    var bgColor = $(this).css("background-color");
    $(this).closest("div.colorpalette").prev("div.region").css("background-color", bgColor);

Try this instead :

                .css("background", jQuery(this).css("background"));

Hope this will help


You need to get in the same parent to use .prev() so use this code :


region is a sibling of the parents of box so since it isn't an ancestor closest won't work



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