Suppose I have a directory /dir inside which there are 3 symlinks to other directories /dir/dir11, /dir/dir12, and /dir/dir13. I want to list all the files in dir including the ones in dir11, dir12 and dir13.

To be more generic, I want to list all files including the ones in the directories which are symlinks. find ., ls -R, etc stop at the symlink without navigating into them to list further.


8 Answers 8


The -L option to ls will accomplish what you want. It dereferences symbolic links.

So your command would be:

ls -LR

You can also accomplish this with

find -follow

The -follow option directs find to follow symbolic links to directories.

On Mac OS X use

find -L

as -follow has been deprecated.

  • 16
    -follow is deprecated in favor of -L in newer versions of find.
    – pjz
    Commented Sep 19, 2008 at 20:41
  • @pjz: is there a cross-reference for '-follow deprecated; use -L'? Somewhat to my considerable surprise, I did find '-L' and '-H' listed in the POSIX / SUS standard at opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/toc.htm, and even more to my surprise no '-follow', so I answered my own question. Commented Oct 12, 2008 at 23:23
  • this didn't work for me. first nothing happened then i tried with -follow- and it said it couln't find the folder ollow Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 8:04
  • 5
    On OS X 10.10 this works: find -L . — I was having the same problem as @S.Matthew_English
    – fregante
    Commented May 20, 2015 at 3:20
  • Your answer is good, but I want to follow only file paths(full path to file) and not directory path, how can I do it ?
    – Vicky Dev
    Commented Jun 23, 2016 at 6:53

How about tree? tree -l will follow symlinks.

Disclaimer: I wrote this package.

  • 2
    How about an arch package ? Commented Oct 2, 2015 at 19:09
  • This is a more intuitive view than ls. Its also easier to paste around.
    – dhaupin
    Commented Sep 16, 2016 at 17:11
  • It is a nice interface, but sometimes tree is not available and you cannot add it to the system you are trying to explore.
    – thoroc
    Commented Sep 1, 2022 at 12:54
find /dir -type f -follow -print

-type f means it will display real files (not symlinks)

-follow means it will follow your directory symlinks

-print will cause it to display the filenames.

If you want a ls type display, you can do the following

find /dir -type f -follow -print|xargs ls -l
  • this produces a prettier display than the ls -L option
    – imbr
    Commented Nov 4, 2016 at 19:53

Using ls:

  ls -LR

from 'man ls':

   -L, --dereference
          when showing file information for a symbolic link, show informa‐
          tion  for  the file the link references rather than for the link

Or, using find:

find -L .

From the find manpage:

-L     Follow symbolic links.

If you find you want to only follow a few symbolic links (like maybe just the toplevel ones you mentioned), you should look at the -H option, which only follows symlinks that you pass to it on the commandline.


I knew tree was an appropriate, but I didn't have tree installed. So, I got a pretty close alternate here

find ./ | sed -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g;s/--/ |-/'
  • This was exactly what I needed. Thank you.
    – Scott C
    Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 15:02
find -L /var/www/ -type l

# man find
-L     Follow  symbolic links.  When find examines or prints information about files, the information used shall be taken from the

properties of the file to which the link points, not from the link itself (unless it is a broken symbolic link or find is unable to examine the file to which the link points). Use of this option implies -noleaf. If you later use the -P option, -noleaf will still be in effect. If -L is in effect and find discovers a symbolic link to a subdirectory during its search, the subdirectory pointed to by the symbolic link will be searched.

ls -R -L

-L dereferences symbolic links. This will also make it impossible to see any symlinks to files, though - they'll look like the pointed-to file.


in case you would like to print all file contents: find . -type f -exec cat {} +


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