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As a part of my development I'd like to be able to validate an entire folder's worth of XML files against a single XSD file. A PowerShell function seems like a good candidate for this as I can then just pipe a list of files to it like so: dir *.xml | Validate-Xml -Schema .\MySchema.xsd

I've considered porting C# code from the Validating an Xml against Referenced XSD in C#Validating an Xml against Referenced XSD in C# question, but I don't know how to Add handlers in PowerShell.

As a part of my development I'd like to be able to validate an entire folder's worth of XML files against a single XSD file. A PowerShell function seems like a good candidate for this as I can then just pipe a list of files to it like so: dir *.xml | Validate-Xml -Schema .\MySchema.xsd

I've considered porting C# code from the Validating an Xml against Referenced XSD in C# question, but I don't know how to Add handlers in PowerShell.

As a part of my development I'd like to be able to validate an entire folder's worth of XML files against a single XSD file. A PowerShell function seems like a good candidate for this as I can then just pipe a list of files to it like so: dir *.xml | Validate-Xml -Schema .\MySchema.xsd

I've considered porting C# code from the Validating an Xml against Referenced XSD in C# question, but I don't know how to Add handlers in PowerShell.

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How do I use PowerShell to Validate XML files against an XSD?

As a part of my development I'd like to be able to validate an entire folder's worth of XML files against a single XSD file. A PowerShell function seems like a good candidate for this as I can then just pipe a list of files to it like so: dir *.xml | Validate-Xml -Schema .\MySchema.xsd

I've considered porting C# code from the Validating an Xml against Referenced XSD in C# question, but I don't know how to Add handlers in PowerShell.