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Tom Yan

Hong Kong

comment Do executables in different containers share shared objects that are define in the same common image layer?
I just happened to came across this statement as I was checking out the btrfs storage driver: Btrfs doesn't support page cache sharing. This means that each process accessing the same file copies the file into the Docker host's memory. I wonder if that's what you are asking about, and if so, the answer seems to be "it depends".
comment How to extend btrfs subvolumes space using separate SSD?
@madzohan well it's not obviously ignored, but used as a "reference" (which is probably considered more convenient by most users than any UUID) to denote the target filesystem, and it works regardless of whether the mountpoint is mounted with its top-level subvolume or some other one (which is also more convenient than having the latter case prohibited, albeit it might then look "semantically odd").
comment Unable to Connect to Wireguard VPN
If there is actually a firewall in effect, obviously you need to allow the udp dport 51820 traffics to get into the server too. Also, is the server bebind a home router? And were you checking with wg or
comment Inaccessible boot device: working Windows 11 installation fails to boot via USB SATA adapter from the same disk on the same PC
because in the past I've done this a few times and it always worked that is actually surprising; while changing host bus type does not always break booting in my experience, I don't recall changing from SATA/AHCI to USB/UAS is ever one of those non-breaking cases. Also it is well-known (for more than a decade) that such change is at least very likely to cause "inaccessible boot device" BSOD. (IMO you can really ignore the requests from @Ramhound since none of those information would lead to any difference of capability to provide a solution or a different solution to be provided.)
comment How to use built-in OpenVPN client on ASUS RT-AC66U router?
@DamirTenishev have you at least checked whether the tunnel is used at all with one of those whatsmyip websites/services first?
revised bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
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revised bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
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revised bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
added 4 characters in body
revised bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
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revised bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
added 180 characters in body
revised bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
added 180 characters in body
answered bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
comment How can I mount this special disk? (.vmdk format, bootable but cound not mount...)
Since when a raw image is the only kind of image that can be attached to a VM?
comment bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 5/s --limit-burst 10 -j ACCEPT Do note that with the way you write your table, this rule would allow ANY host to send a TCP SYN (i.e. initiate TCP connection/communication). Subsequent traffics of the same connections are not bound by the limit in this rule.
comment bypass server configuration and hit on ip directly
while being attacked without increasing in the load at all while firewall on a host itself can be used to "hide" services on the host, it doesn't mean that the host itself is hidden. If its public IP is known by the attacker, the host is not "hidden", so is not the network link.
comment Why is the -n option not working for my cp command?
> effectively "clobbers"; only >> is exactly what you need indirection Also I think you mean "redirection"?
comment Reduce used space; reclaim a physical disk
@Harv Note that as per the warnings you posted, it does seem like you need to lvremove pve/data_meta2 and pvmove pve/data_tmeta. (If you wish to retain pve/data_meta2, just shrink the thin pool "further" (how much depends on the size of pve/data_tmeta) so that there will be extents available on e.g. sdk3 for pve/data_tmeta.)
comment Reduce used space; reclaim a physical disk
@Harv there may or may not be easier (i.e. no calculation) way to do it; you can try --devices in lvreduce if you like; I don't know if listing all the PVs used by the thin pool but sdj would allow you to automatically shrink it with -l 100%. (Again, I suggest trying vgreduce directly first.)
comment Reduce used space; reclaim a physical disk
@Harv I'm pretty sure lvreduce won't clobber your data, as long as you DON'T use it on the thin volumes, but only the thin pool. by how much Well, you may derive/obtain the desired/original size by checking pvdisplay -m, I suppose. There you can see the extent range(s) of the thin pool. You can get the size of each range with (range end + 1 - range start), and the desired thin pool size would be total size all the ranges of the thin pool except the one on sdj. (For size in MiB, multiple the size in number of extents with pe size.)
comment Reduce used space; reclaim a physical disk
@Harv Also, I don't think it makes sense to pvmove -n data /dev/sdj /dev/sdk3. I think you should either just shrink the thin pool (first) (lvreduce), or you simply shrink the VG with vgreduce and see if it automatically shrink the thin pool for you. (With pvmove you would be trying to retaining the "new" thin pool size, which is NOT what you want.)
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