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Jaromanda X

Sydney, Australia

I'm a computer programmer by day, and a cat behaviourist by night ... no, wait, I'm not related to Jackson Galaxy.

I code for food (i.e. for pay) and I code for fun. I used to do internet radio for kicks. Which led me to maintaining and extensively rewriting edcast after it's author abandoned the project, so edcast-reborn was born (redundant!) I did that for a few years, adding ASIO, pre-emphasis, limiting, and a one off special version which read from ASIO 8 different audio tracks and streamed them to 8 different servers.

When that stopped being fun, I learned Haxe, and wrote a functioning (core functions at least) alternative to Flash Media Server, then bolted on Shoutcast DNAS functionality so one could stream with winamp (or other shout/ice-cast sources) and listen (and watch, who remembers Shoutcast TV) natively in Flash.

Using Haxe, I then wrote a flash app that could play shoutcast audio that is in HE-AAC format. Sure, other people did it, but their apps either slowly ate up ALL your ram, or had to be subtly stopped/started every couple of hours to avoid the memory leak. Mine was only one of two that I know that could handle HE-AAC without the memory leak, and also play VP6 or MP4 Shoutcast TV

Just for laughs, I re-wrote Edcast in javascript for nwjs, with a little help from external ffmpeg for the grunt work of encoding the stream, and managed to connect it to a DNAS version 2 server using ultravox 2.1 protocol.

As you may have guessed, my current programming language addiction is javascript. While I'm a (self proclaimed) javascript guru at work, I feel like a javascript noob when I read some answers here, but that's good, because I like to learn at least one thing every day of my life.

comment Many of my text files are suddenly missing
"most of the text files I had saved are no longer there" ... surely you mean ALL of the files are no longer there if the folder is, as you say, "suddenly empty"
comment High Cpu Temperature Values
If you don’t think that the problem is cooling then why ask how to decrease the temperature?
comment Raspberry Pi Zero Not Found on Network
you say you have a cat 6 cable. How is it connected to the raspberry pi?
comment Raspberry Pi Zero Not Found on Network
what's the point of the male usb-a to male usb-a cord
comment window.addEventListener does not work on iOS
What I would do is put a console.log inside your code near the window.dispatchEvent to see if your setItem is being called at all
comment setSinkId Not Working in Microsoft Edge on Windows 11
I run the same version - sorry dude, no idea what your issue is
comment window.addEventListener does not work on iOS
@YashMaheshwari why would you document.addEventListener for an event clearly dispatched from window?
comment setSinkId Not Working in Microsoft Edge on Windows 11
oh right. odd. Maybe edge is broken or nit up to date
comment setSinkId Not Working in Microsoft Edge on Windows 11
Does it matter? I have multiple possible outputs (monitors with speakers, headphones etc) - the audio goes to whichever output I select - perhaps your computer is broken
comment setSinkId Not Working in Microsoft Edge on Windows 11
the code in the fiddle plays no audio anywhere - I had to add when I tested your code, then it worked on the selected output in both chrome and edge
comment setSinkId Not Working in Microsoft Edge on Windows 11
Your code doesn't play anything anywhere ... so ...
comment How to handle a Beacon API request on page close without provoking 499 HTTP response?
have you considered fetch with the keepalive option?
comment Slower than expected read speed on Samsung SSD 850 and 870
@rint - Why would someone want to buy and install Microshaft windows just to test their disk speeds?
comment How can I configure routes in a Vue.js application to handle query parameters?
with the base URL set to feedpool clearly you've set it to /feedpool/ perhaps set it to /feedpool (but yeah, nothing to do with routing)
comment How can I configure routes in a Vue.js application to handle query parameters?
what happens if you go to
comment Function expression vs arrow function
Tireless people spend thankless hours writing documentation, only for it to never be researched before asking on stackoverflow
comment ternary operator is not working in a javascript code
@Ry- and later it says If your ternary is falsy :p So, whatever is judging that code isn't consistent :p
comment ternary operator is not working in a javascript code
@Ry- that wouldn't satisfy every "falsy" value - surely ${nickname ? nickname : "N/A"} is the correct code :p - ${nickname} ? ${nickname} : "N/A" was close, just a lack of understanding code in template lits
comment WSL 2 update running into issues
the issue is that has no jammy dist ... only real debian ones
comment Slower than expected read speed on Samsung SSD 850 and 870
Are these disks in use at the time? I have two identical SSD's, the one not currently mounted is 40MB/s faster than the mounted (and in use) one
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