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Yaakov Ellis


Husband, father, learner, and programmer. Trying to live life as it should be lived.

Developer @ Stack Overflow since 10/2013. Currently a Principal Web Dev on the Community Dev team, working on new tools and features on Stack Overflow and the SE Network. Former Team Lead & Principal Web Dev, Internal Dev Team through 4/2019.

awarded Enlightened
awarded Nice Answer
awarded Yearling
awarded Yearling
comment Indicator on Meta next to the display name of former Staff and/or Mod users for actions performed with that status
Thanks for working on this team. Potential follow-ups: display on the user profile, and activate a tooltip when you tap on it on mobile devices (where there is no way to hover on it and see the tooltip, and if you don't know that "grey means former" it can easily be confusing).
awarded Yearling
awarded Supporter
awarded Guru
comment We need Staging Ground reviewer onboarding before showing it in the question list
@Zoe The scale was of course a goal and it was of course designed for scale. Just that it wasnt actually tested before now. The beta was not about testing scale. Don't know any other way to put it. Scale is being tested now. And if there isn't the best onboarding in the first couple of weeks, it isn't the end of the world.
comment How should we respond in the Staging Ground when OP ignores feedback, makes a trivial edit and submits for re-evaluation?
@TylerH IIRC editing the question further and asking questions. But cant check it in the code any longer XD
comment We need Staging Ground reviewer onboarding before showing it in the question list
@Zoe your words were ignored because they were about scale, yet you kept at it again and again. And all of the work up to this point was testing and improving workflow, NOT scale. My argument was that the comparisons to RQ were not appropriate, since it was given no avenue for recruitment of reviewers, while SG will have much more visibility from questions in listings. Half of the items in RQ are ignored (give or take) and it is not a failure. I do not think it a stretch that auto-grad rates can be better than that in the long term, with a much bigger positive effect felt on the site.
comment We need Staging Ground reviewer onboarding before showing it in the question list
@Zoe (contd 2/2) This is 2 weeks after initial release. The team will hopefully get to more things, like a better onboarding, more reports, badges, and all the cool stats and leaderboards that were planned. All of these can continue to improve it. There are ways of giving feedback without the doom and gloom. I urge you to reconsider your tone. This has been continuing from the very first announcement of SG.
comment We need Staging Ground reviewer onboarding before showing it in the question list
@Zoe I agree that it can be improved. However (and I was not free to say this while I was on staff) I and the whole team found your repeated predictions of failure (like you do above, and have done many times throughout the project) to be incredibly unsupportive and very demoralizing. And so far, all of your predictions of failure have not come true. (1/2)
awarded Enlightened
awarded Good Answer
comment Staging Ground posts are often Locked
@starball including page-unload would be nice to add. And I agree with your criticism. We knew it was less than ideal, but work on SG was a constant balancing act of moving forward with the core functionality as quickly as we could, while responding to feedback from betas in a meaningful way, and also planning for longer term. So yeah, less than ideal, but was one of those quick decisions that we had to make (and overall, I think that the project benefited much more from the quick process we had, versus some things that could have been done better and hopefully can be improved).
comment Staging Ground posts are often Locked
@starball auto-refresh of sg listing was also a "let's see if we need it after launch" thing. I actually remember writing some code to hook up it up to the necessary pipes, etc, and think that we ran into some initial issue and decided not to pursue it more (back in early 2023).
awarded Nice Answer
comment We need Staging Ground reviewer onboarding before showing it in the question list
@Zoe "I doubt onboarding was ever considered". You are making it sound like you know what you are talking about, but you actually don't. It was very much considered, I was pushing hard for it while I was on the team, and had seen mockups and ideas in development around it. No idea where things stand right now though. And I don't think that you are a good judge of what can be considered ground for deeming the SG a failure, considering how many times you have done so throughout the history of the project.
revised Staging Ground posts are often Locked
added 255 characters in body
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