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Julio Di Egidio

Software Analyst Programmer / Process and Automation Consultant

Julio I-Am-Out-Of-Here Di Egidio, for obvious reasons.

Give me a shout if anything changes...

comment The relationship between "true formula" and types in the Curry–Howard correspondence
(This is beyond my initial objection, and just sparse thoughts/doubts:) Logic/computation/mathematics? Relational/functional/equational? I am throwing those etiquettes in just to illustrate what I am still looking for: less is better unless there is solid reason, so why three and not just two? My perplexity with the C-H-L is "semantical": e.g. I "know" what an implication is, and I "know" what a function is, I don't just know there is a formal correspondence. OTOH, vague, certainly to me, remains what a category (or a morphism, etc.) is, especially as a "mode" distinct from the other two.
awarded Autobiographer
comment The relationship between "true formula" and types in the Curry–Howard correspondence
I am not the one who downvoted this, but I would in fact take exception to your "The unifying perspective is category theory": Curry-Howard comes first and works just fine, and how category theory fits in the correspondence, just like how category theory is or is not a feasible foundation for mathematics, AIUI, remains even a bit vague to this point. Logic, computation, and...?
comment Does Zeno's paradox prove the continuity of spacetime?
The very fact that you still mention physics means at best you have missed my point. But the fact that you did(n't) read and confront with my answer before posting that half cooked nonsense is the problem, not the quality of your answer, and then the upvoting of yours and the downvoting of mine of course: it's obvious there are a bunch of trolls and spammers and agents of the enemy around here, otherwise at best you have no clue what you are doing. Mind yourself, if you care. EOD.
comment Does Zeno's paradox prove the continuity of spacetime?
(2/2) Next, "perhaps motion is one of these" is (IMO) not just pointless, it undermines the very notion of a rational, cogent, useful, and honest discussion. Simply put, yours is not even any answer to the question. -- I think you deserved a minimum of explanation, so there it is for how still minimal. But, in closing, allow me to reiterate that I really have it with a general trend and with the voting in particular more than with the posts.
comment Does Zeno's paradox prove the continuity of spacetime?
(1/2) (IMO) "Zeno's paradox assumes that motion is fundamentally continuous" is already a misstatement: those paradoxes ensue in trying to reconcile the notion of "continuity", which existed as a geometric intuition, with that, as well intuitive, of procedure, i.e., fundamentally, "counting". Metaphysics, as in Atomism, is beside the point (about the metaphysics that's an interesting article), and on that line we rather, eventually, and as we (you) do, just get some physicalism.
comment Has anyone ever studied which proof types are feasible for which theorems in mathematics? If not, why not?
P.S. I won't add more... except for mentioning that the Drinker's Paradox is prototypical of the actual underlying assumptions: I have an analysis and a formalization in Coq but I have not yet published it, will post a link at the first occasion when I do.
comment Has anyone ever studied which proof types are feasible for which theorems in mathematics? If not, why not?
@Bumble "if you don't see that it is not raining, you can conclude that it is raining": if you don't see how problematic that is, yes, maybe we should talk about it sooner than later (no kidding): my understanding is that these are the days we might build something better, or never again. I won't add more in these comments.
comment Has anyone ever studied which proof types are feasible for which theorems in mathematics? If not, why not?
@Bumble I don't see a distinction there: classical mathematics is built on classical logic principles, and I am trying to point out that "a non-constructive (namely, classical) proof doesn't give us a witness" is the least of the problems with classical logic and mathematics...
comment Has anyone ever studied which proof types are feasible for which theorems in mathematics? If not, why not?
@Bumble IMO the difference is deeper than that and the real trouble comes with the very logic: e.g. that "if you don't see that it is not raining, you can conclude that it is raining"...
comment Does Zeno's paradox prove the continuity of spacetime?
I can't say more because the moderators then delete my comments (thank you, great job indeed), I am only allowed to look like I am making an ass of myself... This place is just yet another corporate owned shithole and yet another factory and example of the globalized insanity and abuse that we collectively are. Now watch...
comment Does Zeno's paradox prove the continuity of spacetime?
I haven't misunderstood anything, I do find your answer as fallacious and unreasonable as the subsequent comment is: sorry but IMO you guys have no clue what sane reasoning even is (and I am assuming your are trying to be honest here). -- That said, to be clear, your answer isn't any worse than the average around here: indeed I rather have it with a trend on this site and with the trends and collusions in voting especially.
awarded Critic
comment Does Zeno's paradox prove the continuity of spacetime?
"perhaps motion is one of these" is a good answer? One that we have been programmed for?? And this is the most upvoted answer. POINTLESS, that's what it is: participating around here at all...
answered Does Zeno's paradox prove the continuity of spacetime?
comment How can we use probabilities non-pragmatically within our finitude?
It is not unsolved, it is indeed a false problem and you are talking cheap nonsense. But of course, if we have a right, beside that of polluting and appropriating, it's the right to talk nonsense... Indeed, good luck with that, you too, and EOD.
comment Symbolising an following argument with two Therefore's
Many thanks to whomever downvoted this. This place is just a complete shithole as the rest of SE is, and as it all must be because what else can you get from a fake and abusive pseudo-democracy just based on personal interest and property, if not a shithole for everybody...
comment What is wrong with samsara and dukkha from the perspective of advaita philosophy?
It's a loss loss, please, philosophy is not religion... That said, and indeed, common people need stories: that the ultimate truth is the one that cannot be told is not only pretty much every traditional (not too exoteric) wisdom, it is also the outcome not only of e.g. the Wittgensteinian Tractatus, but even Heidegger's Time and Being ends up in silence and literally so, Heidegger being the pinnacle of professional western philosophy...
comment Symbolising an following argument with two Therefore's
@Trascendence Which is equivalent to mine except without the formality.- But thanks especially Bram28, 101k reputation, for (not even) pointing that out: what the heck I am even wasting my time with...
revised How can we use probabilities non-pragmatically within our finitude?
expanded answer
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