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Questions tagged [php]

Questions about using PHP code to interact with Stack Exchange and/or the Stack Exchange API. ... For general PHP questions, post on Stack Overflow instead.

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access_token not present in /oauth/access_token response

When using the explicit OAuth authentication for apps, I have problems receiving the access_token. A user goes to /approve and is then forwarded to approve the app. When redirected back to my site I ...
ajthinking's user avatar
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Get all questions of a particular tag in API 2.2 in PHP

I'm trying to get all the questions for documentation on Meta Stack Overflow in PHP. The code I'm using is as follows: <?php $feed = file_get_contents('
Panda's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to decode HTML entities in the API response?

I am trying to decode HTML entities from the JSON data returned by the Stack Exchange API but it's not working. I have used both html_entity_decode and htmlspecialchars_decode but it doesn't effect ...
Skyyy's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Getting "application not configured for implicit grants" error trying to setup website

I had a developer setup StackExchange auth for a site last year and that still works fine. I have cloned that site and am in the process of changing out all of the relevant names and keys to the new ...
Lizza's user avatar
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Array boolean values are returning empty

I am trying to convert a JSON array to a PHP array, and the boolean values are being lost. I think I need to loop round using foreach() and cast the items as they are placed in to the new array, but I ...
EntityPaul's user avatar
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OAuth2 Authentication Redirection error in PHP

I'm trying to authenticate into Stack Exchange's API with the following URL:
2359967's user avatar
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Stack Exchange v2.2 PHP API Client [closed]

I am developing a PHP library for interacting with the Stack Exchange API. Most of the methods are unimplemented so far. I am writing this post because I need to test some auth methods. My app ...
2359967's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to quickly retag a question from the API?

I'm playing with the write API, and I'd like to simply retag a question. This is the code I have so far: $editURL = '' . $question->{"question_id"} . '/...
user avatar
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Post to Stackoverflow

Is it possible to post a question to Stack Overflow using PHP in the same way that it's possible to post content to Facebook?
Mohan Raj's user avatar
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/oauth/access_token not redirecting back to my redirect_uri

I am trying to implement Stack Exchange using oAuth 2.0. I am able to get CODE but, when I try to get access_token through this code: <?php if(isset($_GET['code'])) { ?> <form method="...
Amit Parmar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Get accepted answers from Stack Overflow using Stack Overflow API 2.1

I want to fetch only my accepted answers from Stack Overflow using the API 2.1 and currently I've following code $data = file_get_contents("
The Alpha's user avatar
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3 votes
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Stack Cartographer - A PHP tool for generating a JSON map of the Stack Exchange API.

About After the JSON documentation for the Stack Exchange API was dropped for v2.0, I began to wonder if it would be possible to throw together a PHP script that did a bit of screen-scraping to ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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1 answer

Handling working of PHP API key on webpage

I'm building a phpapi and in this api will be giving my clients API key generated for each client. So basically my client will be sending client id, his personal data(to be stored in DB) & an ...
Kaushil Rambhia's user avatar
7 votes
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StackAd Wordpress Plugin - Display Community Ads on Your WordPress Blog with Minimal Effort

Screenshot (source: About Now you can easily display community based advertisements (like these) on your WordPress blog with almost no effort. The plugin ships with a widget you ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Has anyone made a wordpress plugin for stack api?

Just wondering if as it would be nice to put a widget on a wordpress post that allows people to add new questions and answer them right there in the blog.
Joseph White's user avatar

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