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Questions tagged [api-v2.1]

For questions relating to version 2.1 of the Stack Exchange API.

4 votes
1 answer

How to create API filters?

I used the following request link to extract data from the Stack Exchange API. But I have no idea how to create "filter" as used in the request line. Please help me understand the creation of such ...
Manish Bhanu's user avatar
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How do I update redirect_uri param for a StackExchange App [duplicate]

I've created a StackExchange app but now I cannot find the edit page so I can update the app settings, like: redirect_uri - which is an OAuth param
ApiFox's user avatar
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What is the private_info scope for?

In the docs it says you can pass private_info for scope when authenticating a user. What does this allow you to access, that you couldn't otherwise?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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localhost API key receives Curl error when retrieving access token

I have registered two apps -- one that will redirect to my website and the other that will redirect to a localhost server that I have running so I don't have to test my code on the site. I have ...
austin's user avatar
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Incorrect link parameter on the "Complex Queries" documentation page

The "Complex Queries" documentation page has this link: Of these three posts on Server Fault, the one with the most recent activity where "the one with the most recent activity" links to https://...
ForkandBeard's user avatar
2 votes
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V2.1 API body HTML has unclosed li tags

The Stack Exchange API (with a safe filter) is returning question body content with malformed HTML, specifically <li> elements that do not have closing tags (and no valid parent). I've seen ...
Rob MacEachern's user avatar
5 votes
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The API /questions/{ids}/timeline path doesn't return several items that occurred after the fromdate parameter

I need to get all the question activity after some particular time. I am using the timeline API, like so:       /questions/20032212/timeline?fromdate=1384705610& But it ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
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API v2.1 supports write access, but is anyone using it?

Over the weekend, I attended an NHS "Hackday" where we tried to solve a problem one of the junior doctors brought. We hacked together a stack exchange alternative for medical doctors to ask questions. ...
JonJ's user avatar
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Link to applied_count leads to a 404

To Reproduce Run an API query on tag-synonyms, you will get a result that includes something like this: Issue(s) Click on the applied_count link and you get redirected to this page which is a 404. It ...
jmac's user avatar
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Include creator in tag_synonym

When I looked at recent tag synonyms there is a Creator row, but I can't query this data with the API. I'd like to see this data added, and a list of all approves would be nice too.
Johannes Kuhn's user avatar
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Trying to get the Total results count crashes the /notifications path

I am trying to use the filter !9ciXfDSYM (same as default but with total) with the /notifications request and the response is: { "error_id": 500, "error_name": "internal_error", "...
dileping's user avatar
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API calls that return select post bodies throw JSON errors

When calling the Stack Exchange API to get the post body, it will return an error for some posts. EG: /docs/questions#page=13&pagesize=100&fromdate=2013-09-01&todate=2013-09-02&order=...
Michael Sun's user avatar
1 vote
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Get points from Multiple sites in one call

Is there any way to get total points and badges from various sites (e.g. stackoverflow, sharepoint, wordpress etc.) in one call?
Rahul's user avatar
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Can Stack Exchange include the number of edits a user has made on a site in /users/<id>/edits?

Originally, I wrote: In the old review queue, users could see their progress towards the Copy Editor and Strunk and White badges, but since the new review queues were implemented, this information ...
jmort253's user avatar
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What's the different between user_id and account_id?

What is the difference between user_id and account_id in the User object ? Both are different and I'm looking for the unique ID of the User. { "items": [ { "user_id": 2144246, "...
Tony Baguette's user avatar

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