I'm trying to use the reputation API to get the recent reputation delta for a given user. For example, looking at recent entries for /2.2/users/21539/reputation, one has:

    on_date: 1447018487,
    reputation_change: 2600,
    vote_type: "up_votes",
    post_type: "answer",
    post_id: 303231,
    user_id: 21539

It's showing a huge reputation change of 2600 for this answer, which is the total reputation gain since the answer was written in 2008 (10 x 260). Instead, I expected it to be just 10, for the upvote that happened on that one day.

Or am I misunderstanding the semantic of this field? If so, how would I get the recent delta, as is displayed on the reputation tab for a user?

1 Answer 1


It's a bit confusing but that is not a bug.
Think of it as, "Reputation change from when to when?"

Since you specified neither a fromdate, nor a todate, you are effectively asking for the changes for all time.

If you run the query for Nov 1, 2015 to Nov 9, 2015:


You get:

"on_date": 1447018487,
"reputation_change": 10,
"vote_type": "up_votes",
"post_type": "answer",
"post_id": 303231,
"user_id": 21539

Which agrees with the timeline:


See also, the /users/{ids}/reputation-history route.

  • 2
    Indeed, that works! So as I understand, it takes all the events for a given answer in the date range, and creates a single entry that is dated as the last event within the range. e.g. if the range is October 1 to 31, and a question gets an upvote on the 3rd, 10th and 17th, it'll show as a reputation_change of 30 on the 17th, Does that sound right?
    – David Ebbo
    Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 19:39
  • 1
    Yes. And, a post will have a separate entry for each event type that occurred in that range. EG: up_votes (hint, hint :) ), bounties_won (wink & nudge), suggested_edits, etc. Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 19:46
  • Got it. Now here is the most meta link you'll see today: api.stackexchange.com/docs/… :)
    – David Ebbo
    Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 20:48

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