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Questions tagged [bdd]

Behavior driven development (or BDD) is an agile software development technique that encourages collaboration between developers, QA and non-technical or business participants in a software project.

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BDD Feature Files structure guidelines

Continuing on from BDD Feature Files guidelines Say I have 10 feature files testing user actions 1-10, 1-Fund transferring, 2-Display balance, 3-etc feature files: In 'Fund transferring', login, ...
Rincewind's user avatar
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How to reset app between tests in WDIO?

I'm currently trying to get WebDriverIO working with Appium and Mocha (BDD) towards an Android device. Previously when I've worked with Mocha the behavior has been that testcases are isolated from ...
Rejected-Potato-27's user avatar
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In a BDD test, should Given set a state and verify it?

Okay, so I'm writing some BDD tests for a REST API using pytest-bdd. Let's suppose I have endpoints A, B, C and D. Normally, when someone uses this API, a request is first done to endpoint A, then if ...
joliver's user avatar
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Design of shared Acceptance Tests steps for different test frameworks and languages

We have the following setup: Multiple client applications containing UI E2E tests written in different programming languages (java, c#, swift ...). All those client applications have basically same ...
trajgon123's user avatar
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How can I store a value as global variable from an API response and pass it to another API as parameter in Cucumber feature file using REST assured

I am designing automation scripts using the Cucumber BDD framework for REST APIs using RestAssured. I have one API which generates the "Token" and then there is another API for order ...
iAutomate's user avatar
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can we prioritize test scenario in cucumber feature file during execution?

Login.feature Scenario: log in using valid credential Scenario: log in using invalid credential How can i execute second scenario first
Qa Test's user avatar
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One Tests or Multiple Separate Test Automation BDD

How the system works (UI) Registration Form > Redirect to Another Page with Products (based on the submitted in the registration form) (backend) API will check the validity > Valid or not it ...
wizaiz's user avatar
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2 answers

Gherkin: When is appropriate to use the 'background'?

My colleague and I are having a debate about when its appropriate to use the 'background' keyword. the test scenario is to confirm that the correct country codes appear when you enter a telephone ...
fypnlp's user avatar
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5 answers

How to repeatedly run tests which add the same user to the system

I have the following Gherkin: Scenario: A user can register to the application Given Carlos is not a registered user When Carlos registers on to the application Then he gets registered My ...
Efthymios Kalyviotis's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Can TDD be a tester task?

I'm working in a team developing a web application frontend (using Angular) and backend (using Java). The manager and the team asked me to be in charge of doing TDD (since I am a test automation ...
USER_1234's user avatar
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1 answer

Is Cucumber Scenario equivalent to a Java Class?

@Add User Scenario: Add a new User profile in the System Given user is on the Add User profile page Then Add a new user profile in the system Then verify that user has been added successfully Now, ...
user50752's user avatar
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Writing behavioural features/scenarios for application with many proccesses and sections

I'm trying to start automation on the web application that I'm currently manually testing. I was suggested to do it using BDD, so I started reseaching about it, and as I started writing my first ...
WalterM's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference between BDD automation framework and Keyword driven automation framework?

I am using the Cucumber BDD framework for test automation. I have read articles on keyword-driven which state that keywords such as sign_in are exposed to nonprogrammers and the implementation is ...
JKC's user avatar
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3 answers

Tests that cannot be automatable in BDD model but can be automatable in TDD model

I have been to a interview. The interviewer said they were using BDD model in their project. He asked me this question. Define some Tests that cannot be automatable in BDD model but can be ...
Jagadish Dabbiru's user avatar
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2 answers

Which runner to use with Specflow Cucumber BDD: Specflow Runner, Nunit, Xunit

I have a Specflow Selenium BDD automation solution in C# using Visual Studio and want to start scheduling some automation runs based on tags and possibly features. I've only used Nunit as a test ...
m_finn's user avatar
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