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Pronoun before and after compound verb

At 7:29 in this video, the following sentence is given: Buenas días, me gustaría unirme a este gimnasio? The compound verb is gustaría unir, and due to ending with an infinitive, the object pronoun ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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escapar vs escaparse

I heard the folllowing sentence in the Narcos TV series: Señor, Gacha se escapa! Context: The police are carrying out a raid on the hideout of a drug trafficker named Gacha and one of the police ...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
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coger vs cogerse

I have heard the following question in the Narcos TV series: Te coges a todas tus informantes? Context: a woman is an informant of a DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) officer and asks him this ...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
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"Morir "vs "morirse"

I have heard the following sentence in the Narcos TV series: Dicen que los hombres valientes tienen la costumbre de morirse rápido. Is there any difference in meaning between "morir" and "morirse"?...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
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saber de memoria vs saberse

Is there any difference in meaning between "saberse" and "saber de memoria"? Which one is more usual? Example: Sé la tabla de multiplicar de memoria. Me sé la tabla de multiplicar. I'm aware that "...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
7 votes
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Pronoun placement in "La Compuerta Número 12" [duplicate]

In "La Compuerta Número 12" by Baldomero Lillo some pronouns are placed on the end of the verb rather than before it. Why aren't the pronouns placed before the verb? Is it an older style and if so ...
jonathan x's user avatar
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¿Qué es un dativo? ¿Cuántos hay? ¿Cuál es su diferencia con los pronombres reflexivos?

He visto ejemplos donde frases como "me viene la película" o "no se lo digas a nadie" tienen el pronombre "se" como dativo, lo que no entiendo es qué diferencia a un dativo de un reflexivo.
user17843's user avatar
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Why is "te" needed in these sentences? [duplicate]

I was wondering why the pronoun te is needed in these sentences: No te preocupes. (meaning "don't worry") My confusion here comes from the fact that preocupar is already conjugated to tú form. ...
米凯乐's user avatar
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Why, in "mis padres se llaman __", do you need "se"?

I know there's another question about "se", but I don't understand the answer or know which of the scenarios described refers to this one. While learning Spanish, I'm supposed to know the sentence ...
米凯乐's user avatar
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6 votes
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When does one replace "le/les" with the pronoun "se"?

When are the object pronouns le/les replaced with se?
Amit Dash's user avatar
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