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Questions tagged [preposiciones]

Palabras que introducen términos con los que forman grupo sintáctico. // Function words such as "a", "de", "en", "por", "para", "sin", or "sobre".

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gender mismatch?

An excerpt from NVI bible translation: ¡Ay del que dice: “Me edificaré un gran palacio,   con habitaciones amplias en el piso superior”!Y le abre grandes ventanas,   y la recubre de cedro y la pinta ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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preposition use

In a recent post I mistakenly said: Es sota, caballo y rey de preparar ese plato Why grammatically is this wrong? I was corrected with Preparar ese plato es sota, caballo y rey. Cortar, cocer y ...
Bluelion7's user avatar
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¿Se usa "por" en sus países en este caso?

La oración en cuestión es: Por ser escritor, escribe bastante mal. como equivalente a: Para ser escritor, escribe bastante mal. En mi lugar, se usan ambas, pero tal vez (2) sea más habitual. El ...
Gustavson's user avatar
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El significado de usar una frase con "en" después del verbo "sentir"

En esta frase: La fuerza de combate de un supersaiyano de tercer nivel es tan apabullante que llega a sentirse incluso en un lugar tan lejano como el Kaioshinkai. Cuando dice que el fuerza apabullante ...
eren_my_beloved's user avatar
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¿"esperar al tren" o "esperar el tren"?

Hago esta pregunta porque encontré la oración de la imagen de abajo en y creo que es incorrecta, pero me gustaría que alguien me lo confirme. Captura de pantalla de https://www....
Rodrigo Morales's user avatar
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lograr que vs lograr con que

Is lograr con que correct? For example: No logro que me hagan caso. Can I also say? No logro con que me hagan caso. Or is the use of con with lograr wrong?
Kelly Goedert's user avatar
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When to use "cerca de" vs "cabe"

I recently learned the preposition cabe means close "to/by". How do I know when to use cabe versus cerca de? Various sites provide the definition of cabe a close to and reference cerca de. I ...
Anna's user avatar
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Distinguishing between indirect objects and circumstantial complements

According to this, a verb can take complements of four different types: attribute, direct complement, indirect complement (IC), and circumstantial complement. I sometimes have trouble distinguishing ...
capet's user avatar
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How can I rearrange this sentence? "Dependo de mi novio

I think this is a correct sentence: Dependo de mi novio. If that's correct, then I'm wondering how I can "rearrange" this sentence using different word order and pronouns. For example, ...
capet's user avatar
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"A los problemas del mundo no les doy mucha importancia." -> "No les doy mucha importancia."?

I asked a native speaker about when I could replace a prepositional phrase with a pronoun. If I understood correctly, here is what they told me: Usually, I can only do this when the object of the ...
capet's user avatar
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Le compré un regalo para Pedro

Is the following sentence correct? Le compré un regalo para Pedro. Does it mean the following? I bought (from him/her) a present for Pedro. I ask because a friend gave me the following example ...
capet's user avatar
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Ana, lanza el balón a la canasta

My quest to understand the relationship between prepositional phrases and indirect object pronouns continues. In this book, I find the example sentence Ana, lanza el balón a la canasta. (Ana, shoot ...
capet's user avatar
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When can I use a pronoun in place of a prepositional phrase?

If I understand correctly, this video (same one I referenced in this question) shows an example of replacing a prepositional phrase with a pronoun. It pretty much says that these two sentences are ...
capet's user avatar
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"Mi hermano prepara la sopa para nosotros." Is "nosotros" an indirect object, and does it follow different rules because of "para" vs "a"?

I have 2 questions. I'm pretty sure that the answer to question #1 is "yes," and question #2 assumes that #1 is correct. Is "nosotros" an indirect object in this sentence? "...
capet's user avatar
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Confusion about the use of the phrase "a por"

This is another chapter in my attempt to grasp Spanish prepositions, probably a hopeless quest. In the on-line coverage of the Vuelta a España 2022 at one point they wrote Cambio de ritmo de Marc ...
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