This sentence comes from the the RAE for the word "dar" (explanation 48), as such I do not have context, but as a rule of thumb, the example sentence should be clear without context, however I have difficulty understanding meaning of the sentence. My best guess is:

  • "ese" is a person
  • "a quien van a prender" = they are going to arrest this person
  • "se dé ese" = I would give up on this person
  • "No hay miedo de que ..." = don't be afraid that ..., i.e. I would not give up

So "No hay miedo de que se dé ese a quien van a prender" = there is no fear that I would give up on that person whom they are going to arrest? It is kind weird, I give up, please help.

1 Answer 1


It does not make much sense to me either! I think that the example phrase in the dictionary has an error, and is lacking the negation word "no". To me, it should rather read as:

  1. prnl. Entregarse, ceder en la resistencia que se hacía.

    No hay miedo de que NO se dé ese a quien van a prender.

which i would interpret as:

There is no fear about whom is not giving himself up, since is going to be caught [anyways]

  • This makes more sense now. "ese" is the subject of "se dé" which is put behind because it has a clause to modify it ("a quien van a prender") which makes the subject long. If you interpret "miedo" as doubt ("Recelo o aprensión que alguien tiene de que le suceda algo contrario a lo que desea"). Logically "se dé" = no miedo, and "no se da" = miedo, the original sentence can make sense. I have marked the answer as correct answer.
    – puravidaso
    Commented Nov 8, 2020 at 22:27

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