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Questions tagged [crew-size]

Questions regarding the number of crew members onboard a mission.

9 votes
1 answer

What factors have enabled the increase in ISS crew?

A glance at the ISS expeditions wiki seems to show that the ISS's crew complement has been increasing in recent years, from between 3 and 6 to 6 to 11 - a boost to the science productivity, I'm sure. ...
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What are the G forces the Dragon 2 crew experience during splashdown? And what is the seat angle for the current configuration of 4 astronauts?

The Dragon 2 has a crew capacity of seven, but, NASA decided to change the specification for the angle of the ship’s seats due to concerns about the g-forces crew members might experience during ...
RNG's user avatar
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Did "Where Is Everybody?" have any influence on multi-person crews?

The pilot episode of The Twilight Zone entitled "Where Is Everybody?" portrays a lone astronaut going crazy due to long-term isolation and lonliness. At the end of the episode, the general in charge ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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29 votes
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How many times has there been 13 people inside the ISS and is it hard on the station?

I just saw this photo in @SF.'s answer it is ISS023-E-023513 STS-131 and Expedition 23. The full caption is below. Are there really 13 people on the ISS at one time? Is STS-131 the only shuttle ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Why will Soyuz MS-04 bring only two crew to the ISS?

Soyuz MS-04 has the distinction of being the first manned launch of 2017, and the first (at least in a while?) to bring only two, rather than three crew members to the ISS. Is there an official ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Which current (2016) ISS resupply vehicles are human-rated, and how many astronauts can they each support?

Based on the situation in 2016: Which vehicles that are in use for ISS resupply missions are human-rated by any space agency? (Bonus points for a list broken down by country of origin and/or the ...
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Minimum Crew of Soyuz TMA-M

Is there a NASA or a Roscosmos safety guidelines or something, stating the minimum crew required to safely operate the TMA-M? I.e. get it into orbit and safely re-enter.
TheHolyCow's user avatar
12 votes
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Could Orion repeat any of the Hubble Space Shuttle servicing missions?

I have a distinct feeling that there's some apparent no-go on the question in the title, but currently can't put my finger on it; For the lifting mass to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), let's assume that SLS (...
TildalWave's user avatar
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10 votes
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If NASA's plan is to launch 4 astronauts to the ISS on CCtCAP vehicles, why design for 7?

The three CCtCAP competitors, Dream Chaser, CST-100, and Dragon are all designed to carry a crew of 7. Operationally, NASA plans on launching crews of 4, since that allows the station to support a ...
geoffc's user avatar
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How would one come up with an optimal team-size for a manned interplanetary mission?

How big would a manned ascent stage for Mars need to be? assumes 3 astronauts. That question appears to draw inspiration from the Apollo programme, and the Soyuz evolution. Part of the rationale ...
Everyone's user avatar
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Why have so many space missions had a crew of 3?

Just reading about manned space-craft. Space travel on record is listed briefly on Wikipedia. The section on successful manned missions is of particular interest. Successful manned programs have, ...
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