
SpaceX lands the Falcon 9 booster stages on its built-in landing struts, this works well.

However, the plan to land the Super Heavy booster stage is to capture it in a set of mechanical arms dubbed "Mechazilla". This seems (to me) a more complicated procedure requiring more advanced hardware. The risk of extensive damage to ground-based structures in case of a failed landing also seems significantly higher.

So presumably there is a good reason why the Super Heavy booster would need to be captured upon landing rather than land on built-in struts. What is that reason?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Landing legs add mass. If the booster landed somewhere else, it would need to be transported to the tower for re-assembly, propellant re-load and launching; a non-trivial task. Overall, the tower grab is faster/better/cheaper/lighter. $\endgroup$
    – Woody
    Commented Jun 8 at 13:27

1 Answer 1


This seems (to me) a more complicated procedure requiring more advanced hardware.

Not necessarily. Instead of thinking about "catching the booster with the arms", think about "the booster landing on the arms".

Imagine you take a Falcon 9 booster, but instead of putting the landing legs on the bottom, you put them on the top, and you dig a hole in the middle of the landing pad. That's kind of what we are talking about here.

The original idea was to land the booster directly back on the hold down clamps! Compared to that, the mechazilla catch sounds like a piece of cake.

The risk of extensive damage to ground-based structures in case of a failed landing also seems significantly higher.

Then don't fail the landing!

SpaceX has demonstrated more successful Falcon 9 landings in a row than most other launch systems even have total missions. We just had the 301st Falcon 9 landing, or the 318th, if you count Falcon Heavy center cores and side boosters, and the 244th consecutive successful landing (I lost count).

It will take a couple of tries, just like it did with Falcon 9, but practice makes perfect.

So presumably there is a good reason why the SuperHeavy booster would need to be captured upon landing rather than land on built-in struts. What is that reason?

Two reasons:

  • Mass savings: landing legs are heavy. The actuation mechanism is heavy.
  • Rapid turnaround: SpaceX wants the same booster to fly multiple times per hour. On Falcon 9, currently, it takes up to an hour to fold up the landing legs. In fact, on Falcon 9, the legs cannot fold up on their own, that can only be done externally. If you want to re-fly rapidly, the booster needs to be able to fold the legs up on its own – which again adds mass. And you pretty much have to land on or right next to the launch mount in order to enable such high cadence.


  • Every kilogram of mass on the second stage costs one kilogram of payload.
  • Every kilogram of mass on the first stage costs roughly one quarter kilogram of payload.
  • Mass on the ground equipment (what SpaceX likes to call "Stage Zero") is free.

In fact, those numbers are for expendable vehicles. For reusable vehicles, the penalties are higher, because you not only have to lift the extra mass up, you also have to boost it back, and land it (and add the fuel for lifting it up, boosting it back, and landing it, and add the fuel for lifting the fuel, and add the fuel for that, and so on).

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ You kind of answered your own question, there. The legs on the Falcon are huge and fairly heavy, and the SuperHeavy is an order of magnitude heavier. The landing legs needed to absorb that momentum would need to be absolutely massive, which is why it makes sense to offload that to a ground-based system. That limits superheavy to RTLS flight profiles (at least in the foreseeable future) but since they want to reuse it so rapidly, RTLS is going to be a requirement anyway. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 8 at 16:04
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It's not just the mass of the legs and shock absorbers (which would be considerable as described) It's also the mass of propellant required to accelerate the legs up to 5.5km/s and the mass of propellant required to boost the legs back to the landing site and land and the mass of propellant required to accelerate the return propellant up to 5.5km/s in the first place. $\endgroup$
    – Slarty
    Commented Jun 8 at 18:59
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @FrankvanWensveen: Multiple launches per hour for the same booster, multiple launches per day for the same ship. So, booster turnaround < 30 minutes, ship turnaround < 12 hours. You need to launch "hundreds" of ships on each Mars transfer window, in order to get the rough estimate of 1 million tons of payload to Mars for an independent, self-sustaining civilization. You don't have to launch all of them at the same time, you can launch them one-by-one and have them all hang out in Earth orbit until the transfer arrives. Each of those will need 5–10 ships' worth of refilling. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 10 at 16:00
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ So, with "hundreds" of ships every 26 months times 5–10 refilling ships for each of those, that's 500–1000 launches per year, roughly. And that's just for going to Mars, that does not include Starlink on Earth, a potential Moon base, or Starship point-to-point. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 10 at 16:04
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @JörgWMittag - it seems like turnaround times that short might not be necessary. Cape Canaveral even now could fairly easily support at least four Starship launch pads. 500 launches over a 30 day period on four pads is about four launches per day per pad, which would be a six-hour turnaround for each pad. Four boosters assigned to each pad would each fly once a day. Add a few offshore launch platforms and 1000 launches in 30 days is not far fetched. I'm starting to wonder if the spectacle of attempted booster catches might be short-lived and landing legs could eventually win out. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 11 at 2:36

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