
I have heard about Falcon 9 1.1 and Falcon 9 FT, but what is a Falcon 9R?

If I understand correctly R = "reusable" which seems to apply to a lot of them.

Are the Falcon 9 FT rockets launched today also Falcon 9 R's?

To get to the bottom of the tagging issues vs I've just asked in meta How to determine on which questions the falcon9-r and falcon-9 tags do and don't belong?

I'm also uncertain about the results of the older question Can we merge [falcon9-r] into [falcon-9]?

But here, I'd like to ask: Which Falcon-9 launches were of a Falcon-9R rocket? Do the "FT" and "R" qualifiers overlap? Does anybody still use "Falcon 9 R"?


1 Answer 1


According to Wikipedia "F9R Dev" was an intermediate development type for early landing and reuse tests of the Falcon 9. A single vehicle flew four times successfully before being lost.

I haven't seen "Falcon 9R" or "F9R" in use other than that. The tag description describes a cryptid with reusable first and second stages.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ "In its F9R configuration, the launcher has all characteristics of the Falcon 9 v1.1 with the addition of four landing legs, a cold gas attitude control system and four grid fins to the first stage." - spaceflight101.com/spacerockets/falcon-9-v1-1-f9r $\endgroup$
    – called2voyage
    Commented Aug 11, 2021 at 13:55

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