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called2voyage's user avatar
called2voyage's user avatar
called2voyage's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
17 votes

How many Space Exploration Members are active in the space industry?

11 votes

Should we have a canonical response for folks intent on blowing themselves up?

11 votes

Should the `artemis` tag be renamed to or a synonym of `artemis-1`?

10 votes

What shall our canonical question and answer regarding moon hoax conspiracy theories be?

10 votes

Is a question about NASA KSC's SWAT team on-topic?

9 votes

Guidance on singleton tags in the "Suggested Edits" queue

8 votes

"upgrade" the new [rad750] tag to something like [radiation-hardening] or "downgrade" it to the cornfield, or combine with [shielding], or...?

8 votes

"Relevance to space exploration?" is "Guess where the invisible hoop is, then jump through it"

8 votes

Should I create a new tag?

7 votes

artemiss mission and artemis program tags, do we need both? If so, how to know which one to use?

7 votes

Just the pictures answers the questions. A picture is worth a thousand words

7 votes

Is GdD no longer a mod candidate?

7 votes

When are questions regarding Python on topic here?

7 votes

I was awarded chat privialages but can't chat?

7 votes

One person has all the power?

7 votes

Kicked over the moon

7 votes

Does this site have anything like a homework policy?

7 votes

Now that the site has graduated, how do we get a site-specific icon?

7 votes

Why was this answer deleted?

7 votes

Where to ask a question about rocket fuel?

6 votes

"I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on Physics SE" is bad and here's why

6 votes

Space SE has graduated, now what? What kinds of changes can we expect in the next year or two?

6 votes

Is there an explicit principle that edits shall not invalidate existing answers?

6 votes

User making VERY bad edits

6 votes

Truth vs Presentation

6 votes

Should we have a canonical response for folks intent on blowing themselves up?

6 votes

What's our policy on sci-hub links?

6 votes

Tags on the Spacex fairing catchers

6 votes

Am I really "wasting people's time" by posting a KSP-related question, then answering it when there were 4 close votes?

6 votes

What celestial mechanics questions are on topic here?

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