Synphaera Radio

Recently Played Songs

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Played AtArtistSongAlbum
18:42:53  (Now) Echo SeasonPrimary and SecondaryPeriphery
18:42:37 Break / Station ID
18:35:27 TransponderEmpire's EndStarmaps, Vol. 1
18:27:52 Phase47SunshineEarth Room
18:17:53 GermindAnabiosisFlows
18:10:08 SolarisWaitingAeon V
18:09:58 Break / Station ID
17:56:57 Martin SturtzerSolar VortexCosmic Echo
17:47:34 Remote VisionBranching LinesThe Architecture of Time
17:40:44 Echo SeasonPilotSolarmetric
17:35:32 AscendantSolar SeaSource Transmission
17:27:58 TransponderCircle of LightEmpire of the Eclipse
17:27:46 Break / Station ID
17:20:58 IsostaticGlacial Epoch Part 2Glacial Epoch
17:09:48 StellariumSponde RadiancePillars of Light
17:03:32 RebloomingEcho MemoriesEcho Earth
16:56:56 Martin SturtzerVelocityFar Beyond the Stars
16:56:45 Break / Station ID
16:47:05 StarterraCelestialCelestial
16:40:59 Fourth DimensionFusionThe Perfect Form

Unfortunately, Amazon does not carry all the music that we play on SomaFM so some searches may fail to match anything. You may want to try searching on Bandcamp, Discogs, or your favorite used CD store in these instances.