Metal Detector

Recently Played Songs

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Played AtArtistSongAlbum
16:05:46  (Now) FLUIDS09 LIFE SPENTNot Dark Yet
16:01:48 Savage Deity09 Perish Mangda (feat. Jason Gobel)Decade of Savagery
15:58:48 Plasmodulated03 Microscopic HorrorPlasmodulated
15:56:50 Nekro DrunkzGapin The MishapenLavatory Carnage
15:51:56 DEVIL MASTERNever Ending NightEcstasies�of Never Ending�Night
15:51:50 Break / Station ID
15:47:41 GODFLESHPULP (LIVE)Streetcleaner (LIVE Roadburn 2011)
15:45:36 WraithAsylumFueled by Fear
15:40:57 Black Cilice04 Atavistic ReconnectionEsoteric Atavism
15:35:30 BARBARIAN (Italy)06 Fourteen DaggersViperface
15:35:26 Break / Station ID
15:31:21 Vulgaris03 SwarmSeat Of The Fire
15:25:17 EyehategodTake As Needed For PainTake As Needed For Pain
15:21:36 MolderGlutinous RemainsEngrossed In Decay
15:16:40 IMPERIALIST (US)Binary CoalescenceCipher
15:12:43 MORTAL VISIONCondemned To DeathMind Manipulation
15:05:13 ERUPTIONThe ProphetCloaks of Oblivion
15:01:47 KreatorSuicide TerroristEnemy Of God
15:01:43 Break / Station ID
15:00:31 ThouDivine WillMagus

Unfortunately, Amazon does not carry all the music that we play on SomaFM so some searches may fail to match anything. You may want to try searching on Bandcamp, Discogs, or your favorite used CD store in these instances.