Groove Salad Classic

Recently Played Songs

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Played AtArtistSongAlbum
17:15:28  (Now) Saafi BrothersSupervisionMystic Cigarettes
17:15:26 Break / Station ID
17:08:25 Tony WatsonBlue Jay VisitBlue Jay Visit
17:03:06 WaldeckSlaapwagenbalance of the force
16:58:22 ManDelo ShomyoShomyo (The Remixes)
16:53:36 Mcr: Mystery Church RevivalThumb Tune(Single)
16:53:35 Break / Station ID
16:49:32 HefnerEverydayReworks
16:45:09 PlaidRalomeRest Proof Clockwork
16:40:07 ModulateDreamsChill Out! - The Techno Evolution Continues
16:34:07 ShantelCircle (Blue)Auto-Jumps & Remixes
16:27:38 Verbrilli SoundDecent PeopleMany Coloured Butterflies
16:27:32 Break / Station ID
16:21:11 Boozoo BajouYmasatta
16:20:22 Baby MammothWhiskey Soul10000 Years Beneath the Street
16:13:36 BabbleInto EtherEther
16:08:42 Alex CortizMagic TouchAmsterdam Nights
16:08:39 Break / Station ID
16:02:45 Parallel LifeThe StarseedsParallel Life
15:56:13 Yoshinori SunaharaLife & SpaceTake Off and Landing

Unfortunately, Amazon does not carry all the music that we play on SomaFM so some searches may fail to match anything. You may want to try searching on Bandcamp, Discogs, or your favorite used CD store in these instances.