Groove Salad

Recently Played Songs

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Played AtArtistSongAlbum
19:03:43  (Now) Stimulus TimbreHopeEuphoria
18:59:55 Boot Cut RockersDream Your DreamCool Off Chillout Vol.3
18:53:49 Thomas Lemmer & SetsunaJunoAutumn Time Vol. 3
18:47:59 AmbaMoonbathingThe Sound Of The CosmosHarmony)
18:47:57 Break / Station ID
18:41:54 Ulrich SchnaussBlumenthalA Strangely Isolated Place
18:38:09 LemongrassThis WayWindows
18:32:44 EskadetRegrets Never DieGroovy!
18:27:38 SashaMagnetic NorthAirdrawndagger
18:23:34 Ohm GuruShaping LightsGradation Transition
18:14:04 Higher Intelligence AgencyTazFreefloater
18:08:34 MinotSpanish FlyMoodswing
18:02:44 Super-A-LoofBounce To DiskThe Sky EP Series No. 1
17:58:39 IsanCalfClockwork Menagerie
17:54:42 Fascinating Earthbound ObjectsCharm(Single)
17:49:42 Time PassingDope RhythmTime Passing
17:49:39 Break / Station ID
17:44:51 Sounds From The GroundThe CutTerra Firma
17:40:24 Carmen RizzoRomanciaRomancia
17:35:39 Fresh MoodsClosed Eye ColorsBoule

Unfortunately, Amazon does not carry all the music that we play on SomaFM so some searches may fail to match anything. You may want to try searching on Bandcamp, Discogs, or your favorite used CD store in these instances.