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Today: Long Form Sunday

Every Sunday from 8am-8pm PT on Drone Zone, it's Long Form Sunday: where we feature long-form ambient pieces in their entirety.

Links default to searching Amazon.com. SomaFM is an Amazon Affiliate and receives a commission on these purchases. When provided and available, we link independent artist sites.

Played AtArtistSongAlbum
16:26:40  (Now) Volker LankowAn Endless LandscapeMusic For Quiet Environments
15:14:13 Another Neglected HobbyGeneric Drone 3drone
14:16:27 EguanaCosmos Episode 12Cosmos Episode 12
13:18:22 Steve BrandPale Blue OrbConiunctio
11:59:45 Steve Brand & Disturbed EarthBroken GoldBroken Gold
11:23:46 A Produce / M GriffinYou Send Me The MessageAltara
10:12:09 Robert RichSomnium 5 of 6Somnium (Full Version)
09:28:14 Steve RoachSoul TonesSoul Tones
08:55:13 Simon WilkinsonHegira (The Crossing)Hegira
08:10:10 Louigi VeronaSuspended in Time ISuspended in Time
07:54:15 DeepspaceThe Blue DunesThe Blue Dunes
07:48:22 Martin SturtzerSky's EdgeIllumination Cycle
07:43:20 Phase47DesignEarth Room
07:39:46 Ex ConfusionSpeak Softly In My DreamsEmbrace
07:33:17 AscendantInto the Void IIInto the Void
07:24:43 jhnoThe Living Sound (hidden track)Membrane
07:15:02 Steve BrandBlack Trees Against Purple Evening SkyWhat Is Real (24 bit)
07:11:09 LeveteBallerinaAether
07:06:45 teq0SubmergedAhhh!
07:03:56 Bersarin QuartettGespensterSysteme

Unfortunately, Amazon does not carry all the music that we play on SomaFM so some searches may fail to match anything. You may want to try searching on Bandcamp, Discogs, or your favorite used CD store in these instances.