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Jon C's user avatar
Jon C
  • Member for 2 years
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

How do I fix "package solana-program v1.18.0 cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.72.0 or newer"?

7 votes

How to properly "wait" for a transaction to confirm?

6 votes

Stack offset error for anchor build

6 votes

How to resume a deploy?

6 votes

Why do some token accounts own themselves?

5 votes

SPL Token-2022 - How to modify transfer fee configuration for an existing mint?

5 votes

Blockhash not found when sending transaction

5 votes

Does the Solana CLI support setting a priority fee?

5 votes

What is the % of "confirmed" transactions that get subsequently dropped?

5 votes

getConfirmedTransaction return error Transaction version (0) is not supported by the requesting client

4 votes

AnchorError caused by account: program_data. Error Code: AccountNotInitialized

4 votes

Cannot serialize V0 Txs appropriately

4 votes

Metaplex Create NFT Error: Transfer: `from` must not carry data

4 votes

Error on connection.confirmTransaction: ws error

4 votes

SOL Change is wrong

4 votes

Is there an instruction limit or total size limit for the instructions array for versioned transactions?

4 votes

How to close SPL token accounts to redeem SOL

4 votes

Close solana program to get deployment funds back?

4 votes

TokenAccountNotFoundError when sending SPL tokens in React

4 votes

How Many CUs are used by ComputeBudgetProgram?

4 votes

How can I get updates if there is any deposit to a specific wallet

4 votes

Is there a way to fetch all the Stake Accounts of a given sol address?

4 votes

ValueError: signature error: Cannot decompress Edwards point

4 votes

Are there any rules as for what derived path can look like?

4 votes

Minimal makefile to build a Solana program in C?

4 votes

what is the name of the second parameter for `CpiContext`

4 votes

In what context is the hash of a ed25519 public key used as an address?

4 votes

How to burn Tokens in a Solana wallet

4 votes

Is there a way to query remaining space in a stack frame issued to a function by the solana runtime?

4 votes

Helius Webhook for get real-time information about new tokens created

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