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Questions tagged [solana-keygen]

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3 votes
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How is a Solana wallet created behind the hood?

I realize that the private key is generated based on the ed25519 algorithm and that the public key is extrapolated from the private key, but I am wondering how does the actual connection get made ...
ren's user avatar
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Solana-cli requests a passphrase for creating a keypair but store it as insecure plain text in id.json

I anticipated Solana-cli to encrypt the storage of secret keys or seeds, but it doesn't. When I run solana-keygen new It asks passphrase, however id.json file is not encrypted. I can read it with text ...
kadir's user avatar
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Accidently assigned my wallet to a program, now its owner is a program i dont own,Can i recover it ? I have the seed phrase and private key

Accidently assigned my wallet to a program, now its owner is a program i dont own,Can i recover it ? I have the seed phrase and private key is it recoverable or is it hopeless ?
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Different pubkey in wallet as to what was display in CLI

was experimenting with the solana cli i used solana-keygen new command to generate a new keypair then imported the seedn phrase into my phantom but the public address displayed while in the cli is ...
Mitch's user avatar
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What is the correct wallet address for receiving SOL?

The Solana documentation states that executing solana-keygen new --no-outfile outputs pubkey: $PUBLIC_KEY, where $PUBLIC_KEY is the wallet address per: The value shown after pubkey: is your wallet ...
John's user avatar
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changed config from devnet to mainnet, how to I migrate my tokens so I see hem when checking spl-token accounts?(2 question btw)

(Question 1) before I did this; (so i could change metadata) I'd see my 80 mil tokens in the account made for the new minted token, now when I use spl-token accounts I just get spl-token accounts ...
Keola's user avatar
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can someone add a pull request to so that we can generate private keys from seed phrases. sol is missing

please for the love of solana can someone add a pr to so that we can use that resource to generate private keys from bip39 seed phrases. Sadly above my skill cap....
tobo's user avatar
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solana keygen with Seed phrase in JSON file

I am trying to create a vanity solana pubkey using the command with qualifiers like this: solana-keygen grind --starts-with 1:1 --ignore-case --use-mnemonic --word-count 12 So far so good and it ...
Richard's user avatar
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Solana Keygen Pubkey Prompt Won't Let Me Type

Following the Solana documentation here, when I follow the instructions for some reason it doesn't let me type in the seed phrase to connect a wallet to the command interface. It brings up the cursor ...
The Con Crypto's user avatar
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How to generate pub and pubkey in json string format using command solana-keygen grind

How to generate pub and pubkey in json string format using command solana-keygen grind,solana-keygen command generate and puts in json file, that i want to avoid
ashish0411's user avatar
1 vote
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Error when importing secret key from .env

I am working through and at the point where I am attempting to import the secret key from a .env I am getting an error: My keypair is set using: ...
GoodBurger03's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to convert Keypair.secret_key to Phantom compatible private key in python?

CODE keypair = Keypair.generate() key = keypair.secret_key This secret key isn't compatible in phantom wallet. I figured that the phantom private key can be converted to Keypair compatible secret key ...
aste123's user avatar
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How to import a wallet keypair generated from CLI into a wallet provider like phantom?

When generating the keypair via CLI I get a .json file in the byte format. I'm aware the first 32 decimal numbers are the private key, and the last 32 are the public key But how do I import this into ...
pxl's user avatar
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Keypair.generate() vs creating keypair with solana-keygen?

I see two ways of generating Keypair. the easiest one is import { Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js"; const randomKey = Keypair.generate(); I see the other way which needs more work to do. ...
Yilmaz's user avatar
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Solana-keygen grind - public address cannot end with "I" (InvalidCharacter)

I'm using solana-keygen utility to grind for a public key with specific traits. Currently my input was as follows: solana-keygen grind --ends-with I:1 however, I get this error: error: Invalid value &...
Mára Toner's user avatar

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