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Questions tagged [getprogramaccounts]

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getProgramAccounts return always empty

i'm trying to use GetProgramAccounts in python to recover data pool but my programm always return empty. At the begenning I had tried to use filer , but as it didn't work , I took the decision to use ...
vince_crypto's user avatar
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Improve performance of getParsedProgramAccounts for StakeAccount

Using the code outlined I am finding the getParsedProgramAccounts call is slow for the StakeProgram, taking approximately 4 minutes ...
Angus Scott's user avatar
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Is there anyway to decode program account change that I don’t know the struct?

I’m trying to decode update that I got from the call of “connection.onProgramAcccountChange” but I don’t know the struct of possible outcome, is there anyway to get the struct or decode it somehow ? ...
Daniel Kotlarov's user avatar
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I want to find Pair Address manually by code in python

Hello let's say this token: TokenA = 8cG1JC9fCwpdZ9ofsEfhKJhBgKhzYCqnbbaKdC9RYw53 Native Token SOL = So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112 pair id on raydium i don't want to use raydium sdk to ...
Shehzad khan's user avatar
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How to read validator information using the vote address?

I'm trying to read user staked validator information using @solana/web3.js. I was able to read the stake accounts for the given wallet address but having trouble with reading staked validator ...
Kaveen Laksitha's user avatar
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Websocket version of getProgramAccounts

Is there a WebSocket version of getProgramAccounts that allows me to fetch PDAs with supplied seeds?
kekti's user avatar
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Calling solana.getParsedProgramAccounts method on a Token-2022 returns an empty array

When calling the below method getParsedProgramAccounts with the correct Token Program ID and a Token Address associated with that Token Program ID, I am returned an array of the token holders. ...
Alex's user avatar
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Maximum getProgramAccounts returned bytes

What is usually the limit of accounts/bytes returned by getProgramAccounts? For example, if I have 100,000 accounts with 40 bytes each, would getProgramAccounts return them all? I’ve read that the ...
c4b4d4's user avatar
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Get Holders timeout

I want get total holders of a token, this is my code : const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts( programId, { dataSlice: { // for amount data slice ...
iori's user avatar
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How to getProgramAccounts for Token 2022 Program?

I am trying to send get request as follows but it returns nothing... Can you please guide me how to fix this issue? and how to figure out the datasize and bytes for any program address... { jsonrpc:&...
kokiez's user avatar
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Can I change program data ID of the program account?

When fetching the program account using getAccountInfo rpc, it will return the following response: { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "context": { ...
johnhckuo's user avatar
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Find custom program accounts

How can I find all accounts of my wallet which is owned by a specific program? (Not any of the metaplex programs)
Muhit Raihan's user avatar
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Implement get_program_accounts using BanksClient

BanksClient doesn't have a get_program_accounts method. Is there a way to mimic it?
KevinH's user avatar
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memcmp filter similar to LIKE %

say i have a PDA struct Foo { created_at: i64 } with a created_at unix sec timestamp field (ex: 1690004000). I want to filter all PDAs that were created in 1690000000. as far as i know ints are ...
amilkov's user avatar
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Get AccountInfo from ProgramId, or invoke program method using ProgramID

If I've programId (Pubkey) of a program, is it possible to get AccountInfo (or Program) object somehow? Or conversely, is it possible to somehow invoke a (view) method on program if its programId is ...
Sarfaraz Nawaz's user avatar

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