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Questions tagged [twitter]

Software that interacts with Twitter (creating tweets, editing tweets, deleting tweets, etc.)

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Consuming today's Twitter (X) home feed on a future date

I like to remain updated with "For You" tab of Twitter/X, but sometimes I get too busy and don't get time to catch-up. Is there a tool/utility that can store some fixed number of Tweets from ...
ankit's user avatar
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What's the best online tool to bulk delete tweets for free?

TweetDelete used to be a good service, but they are no longer free. Is there any good, safe, and reliable tool that allows you to bulk delete old tweets for free now? Thanks.
Mas's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a script add on or browser addon that will re-enable headlines on tweets?

Twitter has removed all headlines from tweets, leaving only images and base URL names visible. Is there any script or add-on that could re-enable headline visibility?
tomh's user avatar
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Create an rss channel from twitter account

Is it possible to create an RSS channel from particular Twitter account via some web app or service?
xralf's user avatar
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Viewing a Twitter tag in multi-column format

I'm looking for a program for Microsoft Windows or web-based that can view a Twitter tag in a multi-column format. E.g.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Is there an alternative interface for viewing a twitter tweet/thread that has lots of replies from different people?

If a tweet/thread has over 1000 replies, the desktop website isn't optimal or practical for reading the various replies.
desbest's user avatar
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Python package to access Twitter via API without a "Twitter developer app"

I would like to access Twitter via API (to see followers, their followers etc), but without creating a "Twitter Developer API" (which got rejected). Is there a python package which I can use ...
Alex's user avatar
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Looking for Linux command line twitter client to send image and text in tweet

I have a need to programatically generate status tweets along with a graphical picture in embedded linux using command line. I want to invoke the client using system() (C library) call and pass the ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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What Is The Best Software to Measure Influence on Social Media?

Now that is no more, I'm curious what the professionals are recommending as an influence measurement web app for social media accounts. By influence I am referring to the ability of a social ...
Elad Ratson's user avatar
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Twitter Android Client with support for more than two accounts and support for "retweet as"

I have three twitter accounts. Two of them are closely related and the third is my private twitter accounts. Sometimes, persons I follow with the private account post something, I'd like to retweet by ...
koppor's user avatar
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Twitter app with custom notification list?

Is there a Twitter app for Android that notifies on every tweet, but only from certain people you are following? For example: Either lets you manually select favorite people, or makes use of Twitter'...
Z. Cochrane's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Chrome extension to take screenshot / screen capture of Twitter conversation?

I need to save some important Twitter conversations as image files for a project. On desktop Chrome, Twitter conversations live in a floating window above a background page. I've tried many ...
thanks_in_advance's user avatar
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open-source twitter scheduler for posting text & media tweets

Absolute requirements Must be able to set a schedule to post pre-defined tweets at predefined times and dates, including tweets with pictures, and tweets with videos. Must be open source. Strongly ...
410 gone's user avatar
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Twitter threaded reading

Reading a full discussion including all sub-threads in Twitter is hard if the discussion fork into many sub-discussions and you want to make sure you have read it all. So I am looking for a Twitter ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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Twitter for nearline people

I am not online 24-7, and I really only want to check Twitter once or twice a day. But when I do I only see the last hour of tweets in my feed and most of them are a waste of electrons. Is there a ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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