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Questions tagged [gis]

GIS is an acronym for Geographical Information Systems. GIS software is software that allows for the visualization, access, and processing of geospatial data.

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Creating Cloud Optimized GeoTiff through JavaScript

I want to create a desktop application using Electron and JavaScript that generates a Cloud Optimized GeoTiff (COG) from a single image (png, jpg, etc.). The image's projection system and display ...
kochizufan's user avatar
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Land subdivision calculations

I have saved a map from QGIS containing a KML file and a Google satellite imagery layer into a SVG file which I then opened in Inkscape. I'd like to do some measurements. I need to do an analysis of ...
user1592380's user avatar
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Free Data Analysis and GIS Software Recommendations

I'll soon write my master thesis in political science and want to analyze geo-referenced conflict data. However, I didnt do any regression analyses, GIS or statistics for 2 years while I was working ...
Anton's user avatar
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Script or program to conveniently show the content of .shp.xml files generated by ArcGIS

Shapefiles (.shp) contain geospatial data and can be read by various open source programs such as QGIS. Sometimes they are accompanied by a metadata file with the extension .shp.xml such as this one. ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
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Recommendations for a browser-based frontend implementation

We are planning to set up a new browser-based mapping application from scratch. Our requirements are OpenLayers as the map framework the application should be somehow futureproof for a couple of ...
ulrich's user avatar
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GIS tools accessible online for personalized function implementation

I'm interested in finding out if you know of any GIS tools that can be accessed online.. Specifically, I would insert my own created functions. Here is an example: ...
Vinicius B. de S. Moreira's user avatar
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GIS for Business Data

I’m not sure if this is even considered GIS which might be why I am struggling turning up results. I am looking for cloud based software similar to Google My Maps that allow for us to handle location ...
Secundus's user avatar
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Looking for a third party iOS (or Android) app compatible with CarPlay (or Android Auto) that can display GIS shapes

I was looking forward to loading Google My Maps on CarPlay to be able to show selected kml files (selected parcels in this case) on my car’s screen. I was disappointed to find out “My Maps” on Google ...
boulder_ruby's user avatar
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What is the preferred web mapping solution for 'big data' (millions of vector records)?

Looking for opinions and information related to online mapping solutions. I have dozens of vector-based datasets (containing 1000's of records; think 'big data') that need to be incorporated into an ...
Eric Horowitz's user avatar
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Which (GIS/CAD-) software to use for transformation of ~2k .dwg - files?

I've got approx 2000 .dwg-files that have to be transformed (GK to DB_REF) via custom transformation (I've got a list with coordinates in EPSG:31467 of ground control points and a specific angle of ...
Phil Gee's user avatar
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Basic GIS Mapping product recommendations -- freeware for a beginner, not looking to become an expert

I working on a history of then Pacific Northwest. My goal is to display dynamic time series maps of the creation/presence/growth of various towns, their population size, railroad line tracks laid, ...
DP-WA's user avatar
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Open source alternatives to ArcGIS online

I am looking for open source alternatives to web GIS clients like ArcGIS Online. I tried GeoNode with GeoServer for the back end, and MapStore for the front (GeoSolutions). I like it but I am ...
Menarse22's user avatar
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Organize GIS data software: find identical, find versions of a shapefile, report on the map

I have many shapefiles, .mdb, .gdb and also .mxd, .lyr and ... Many of this data have same share of data or they are identical I want a software that can search, organize and then report this: ...
Yazdan's user avatar
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Android app for recording raw data (eg RINEX) from bluetooth GNSS receiver

I have a Sparkfun Surveyor (GNSS), which my phone connects to via Bluetooth. (product details) I would like to record raw GNSS (~GPS) data, in order to do post processing on a PC. I believe RINEX is ...
Mads Skjern's user avatar
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Alternatives for ArcGIS API for .Net

I want to choose GIS API to show TIFF maps (and also possibly MapInfo and OpenStreeMap maps) in my .Net application. What alternatives to ArcGIS .Net API can I use? Free if possible.
Nickname Nick's user avatar

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