I want a static site generator where I need to do minimal customizations. I want to edit the menus all using GUI instead of doing them via code or configuration files. Any guidance? Also I want to use a CMS instead of tinkering the code everytime I write.


1 Answer 1


You can do this with Jekyll.

Once you install it in your site, you need to just duplicate your post and write everything through markdown.

Also there are tons of themes to customize the looks. Best of all it runs well in GitHub pages. Just commit and push your changes and the post is live.

  • I didn't find good course to get started with jekyll and deploy a blog. Sorry I am not tech savvy.
    – achhainsan
    Commented Feb 21 at 9:42
  • Download and install Ruby and the Devkit from rubyinstaller.org Click the checkbox to run ridk install on the final screen. In the command window that appears, choose option 3 to install MSYS2 and the MINGW development toolchain Open an new command window and install Jekyll on Windows with the following command: gem install jekyll bundler Create a new blog with the jekyll new myblog From the myblog folder created in the previous step issue the following command cd myblog bundle exec jekyll serve Open http://localhost:4000 and view your Jekyll blog. Commented Feb 22 at 0:03
  • This comment is supposing that you are using windows. If you have other operating system, search for your specific operating system instructions. This is something you will deal with just the first time. Writing blog posts will be a breeze once the setup is done. Commented Feb 22 at 0:05

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