Need a clue, what tool would be the best for creating site with features:

  • you see it as a newspaper, mean, set of articles to read (aka news reader)
  • your view can have various content according to your preferences or perspecitives aka: favorite authors, fav. subjects, most renowned authors etc.
  • content (articles) is created by authors/users/members of site/platform
  • author may disallow other members for comments or vote
  • author may remove comments found offensive
  • there's a system of commenting articles
  • there's a system of voting or giving marks to articles
  • there's a system of "gaining respect" and "grading" for articles and authors
  • there's a system of feedback for a user containing inf. like: --> his articles with new comments --> his comments with new answers --> new articles form favorite authors --> new comments for observed articles

Possibility of inner messaging communication system would be a benefit.

If any CMS like Drupal Joomla WP than what extension. Any other tool? Built from scratch?


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