Are there any free online and/or offline alternatives to the step-by-step-solution feature of Wolfram Alpha Pro that can be used on Mobile phone?

This feature is able to display step-by-step-solutions of a wide variety of algebra problems.

Earlier there was SymboLab. Now their mobile version has gone paid.


3 Answers 3


SymPy Gamma is a free web application based on SymPy. It returns step-by-step solutions for some types of high school / college math problems, for example:

It's rougher around the edges and the syntax is a bit more rigid than WolframAlpha's. One can use ^ instead of ** for powers (there is some preprocessing for that) but otherwise, the closer you are to standard SymPy syntax, the better. For example, one can type integrate x*sin(3*x) instead of integrate(x*sin(3*x), x) and it's understood correctly. But when I tried integrate x**2/(x**2+1), SymPy Gamma misunderstood it as "the integral of x**2, divided by (x**2+1)".

It does not seem to have any step-by-step for algebra problems like "solve this quadratic equation", however.

(Disclosure: I am a SymPy developer, though I had no part in SymPy Gamma specifically.)

  • How do I write roots in Sympy? Commented Feb 25, 2018 at 9:03
  • $\sqrt{x^2-16} - (x-4) - \sqrt{x^2-5x+4}$ Commented Feb 25, 2018 at 9:04
  • 1
    @AdityaPratapSingh you could use the fact that $\sqrt{x} = x^{0.5}$, so you could use x**0.5
    – JAD
    Commented Feb 25, 2018 at 12:34

Integral Calculator & Derivative Calculator websites


  • Both are free-to-use websites, which are also responsive on mobile phone screens.
  • Both show steps
  • The backend employs the CAS Maxima (GPL software).


  • Unfortunately, you can only integrate and differentiate with respect to a single variable.

Open Omnia is an alternative to Wolfram Alpha Pro and Symbolab. Disclaimer: I am the developer.

You can find the web application here: https://openomnia.com and the android app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.openomnia.openomnia

Feel free to try it out.

  • 2
    Welcome to Stack Exchange! Please read the rules we have when it comes to promoting your own product.
    – Glorfindel
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 9:23
  • Hi Lloyd! Can you please describe your products and how they meet the OP's requirements? Also, screenshots would be very helpful. Thanks! Commented Dec 15, 2019 at 23:31

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