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lennon310's user avatar
lennon310's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • New York, United States
11 votes

Is it a good or a bad idea to use the Builder Pattern everywhere?

11 votes

What does the crash early concept mean?

10 votes

API key vs JWT - which authentication to use and when

10 votes

Where to put data generating functions for unit tests

9 votes

What is the meaning of fan-out

8 votes

Is it a good practice to use logging inside classes/functions in Python?

7 votes

Is there a way to signal that an endpoint should be called before another in REST?

6 votes

some misunderstanding in concept of Huffman algorithm

6 votes

What is needed to safely enable non-technical users to trigger automatic deployments?

6 votes

Is a cloud / lambda function a microservice?

6 votes

Is an empty 'while' loop bad practice?

6 votes

What's the best way to get GitLab Docker runners and Python tox to work together?

6 votes

Sharding rule updating on DB scaling

6 votes

Is there a better way to run sequential tests?

5 votes

What's the use of a wide-column NoSQL db such as Cassandra over a K-V store or a document based db?

5 votes

Understanding the importance of Gunicorn and Nginx for Django web development

5 votes

Distributed message queue, propagating queue leader/follower information

5 votes

Reverse Load Balancer: Out Balancer?

4 votes

High-level overview or architecture for processing a huge file within a fixed time frame

4 votes

How do you effectively track the history of changes to a text field in the database on a content editing platform?

4 votes

Using python context managers instead of passing arguments: Is it an anti pattern?

4 votes

Architecture for message processing with scheduling, at scale

4 votes

Why Golang projects seldom use mocking library in testing?

4 votes

Re-architecting CPU intensive Node application to handle multiple users

3 votes

Is the TreeSet class in java a Red Black Binary Search Tree?

3 votes

Bug triage on a micro-services architecture

3 votes

Separate responsibilities when public methods depend on other public methods in same class?

3 votes

How do password-protected pdf documents work?

3 votes

Easiest way to build and distribute Excel UDF add-in capable of Statistical Analysis

3 votes

Java Inheritance Problem