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8bittree's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
140 votes

Why exactly does Java not allow numeric conditionals like if(5) { ...} if C does?

138 votes

Does storing plain text data take up less space than storing the equivalent message in binary?

57 votes

Dry running a function

48 votes

Why are floats still part of the Java language when doubles are mostly recommended instead?

28 votes

What is meant by the phrase “Software can replace hardware”?

15 votes

Difference between hotfix and bugfix?

15 votes

What is the usefulness of private variables?

15 votes

The trend of the "develop" branch going away

13 votes

What makes (or why is) a language Server-Side?

13 votes

Why don't all languages have the same efficiency?

10 votes

How does a CPU load multiple bytes at once if memory is byte addressed?

10 votes

What are the advantages of build scripts?

10 votes

How is spinlock different from polling?

9 votes

Version control on standalone (in-house) libraries?

8 votes

Are data type declarators like "int" and "char" stored in RAM when a C program executes?

7 votes

How is it possible to have limitless availability of threads while only having a finite number of physical processing units?

7 votes

What should be placed in the "core" folder in a software project?

6 votes

Is a function getting a value from another function considered pure?

6 votes

Functional style exception handling

6 votes

Why don't servers deliver JS and CSS at the same time as HTML?

5 votes

Including functionality in standard libraries vs in the language itself

5 votes

When designing an ISA , is it a good design decision to permit a `pop` instruction that does not require an operand to receive the popped value?

5 votes

I understand what a stack pointer is - but what is it used for?

5 votes

Is there a reason for support multiple different releases?

5 votes

Non-synchronized method that calls synchronized methods only

5 votes

What are "Version.txt/Version in build script" and "Build Server versioning"?

5 votes

I have a set of variables that are not known until run-time, and will be shared by all instances of that class.

4 votes

Functions whose parameters are implicitly supplied

4 votes

How are literal values encoded into bytecode?

3 votes

How would you name the function that takes a list of lists [L1, L2, L3] and returns a list of lists [l1, l2, l3]