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Questions tagged [rest]

Representational state transfer, or REST, is an architectural style for networking software to transfer information through the web.

1 vote
5 answers

DTO vs POJO (Entity) on POST request

If I have for example a User POJO like the following @AllArgsConstructor public class User { @Id private final String id; private String username; private String password; private Date createdDate;...
iqueqiorio's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Should this request return a status of 404 or a different status

We have an API that allows clients to POST some request which takes some time to complete, so the API simply places it on a message queue and returns a 202 (Accepted) and a new GUID in the body. The ...
JoelFan's user avatar
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1 answer

Many to many REST design for users and teams

I am designing REST API for users and teams of users. One user can belong to multiple teams . One of the requirements is to be able to sort the users belonging to team in alphabetical order. Teams can ...
Marcin Majewski's user avatar
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0 answers

Endpoint design for single and bulk requests

I'm working on a project in Python and want to get it hosted for others to use, the internal recommendation has been to host it on AzureML (it is a non-machine learning model, but follows the same ...
evaless's user avatar
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1 answer

When to use PUT vs POST while calling APIs?

GIST: PUT is idempotent PUT is used for updating/creating a resource. POST isn't idempotent. POST is used for creating a resource. So, I'm wondering what should I use in this case and why? I want to ...
tuck_y's user avatar
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1 answer

Which is better API design for POST endpoints?

I want to create an endpoint for posting different types of commands. I have the option to have one route /commands which can be used for every command type or one route for each command i.e. /...
Christian's user avatar
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3 answers

What are the benefits of HATEOAS in programs without user interaction?

Let's assume I have a batch job that needs to print orders. It will do so by getting orders from the order service and send them to the print service. It uses HATEOAS to discover the link from the ...
wertzui's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it okay to combine bff and rest api?

I'm building an application related to donation on streams. And I have such models as "alert" and "alert-template". "alert" is a set of different parameters to understand ...
eugenedrvnk's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Strategies for Adapting SQL-Based Data Retrieval to a Newly Introduced REST API in a Short Timeline

I'm in a pickle following a recent executive decision by our parent company. They have elected to abstract away our SQL data warehouse, transitioning to a REST API for data retrieval. The purported ...
javery's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

I do not like RESTful APIs anymore and dont understand why nobody agrees with me [closed]

Some years ago, every API I developed was a REST API and I did everything to follow the best practices to make them "RESTful". But after some time, I have my doubts if RESTful APIs that ...
David Mason's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Do we need APIs to just access databases?

At work, we have a Web application, which makes queries to databases, and I’m asked to determine if using Web APIs could be an added value. Personally, I’m not convinced it is. I know Web APIs are ...
Pine Code's user avatar
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1 answer

REST - Adding a new field

I have an object with fields like ID, CODE, NAME, etc., and it has its own database table with each field. And I am working on implementing the REST API for this object. I want to expose all these ...
Arpit Jain's user avatar
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Client-Server Coupling in gRPC vs REST

Quoting this article - The Other key differences: gRPC vs. REST section (client server coupling): Client-server coupling REST is loosely coupled, which means the client and the server do not need to ...
Veverke's user avatar
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4 answers

How to build REST uri that fetches children by parent ID

I am building 2 REST microservices: ParentService and ChildService. I need to build endpoint to fetch all Child resources related to specific Parent, so I have these URI's as options: GET /parent/{...
milosdju's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

API design. Make multiple PUT request or one single PUT request for updating multiple fields of the same database

I have three seperate fields and all three are unrelated to each other but part of the same collection (Tables for SQL folks). Now, what I'm getting stuck at is, should I allow end-users to make one ...
CrumpledMemories's user avatar

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