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Questions tagged [gpl]

Questions about the GNU General Public License. If you intend to ask something about this license, CONSIDER NOT TO ASK HERE. Instead check if **Opensource.SE** ( would not be more appropriate for your question than this site.

-2 votes
1 answer

What counts as disclosing source for software licenses? [closed]

MPL v2, GPL v3 and other licenses alike require giving users access to source code. For desktop applications - does access have to be provided through the user interface (GUI)? Or can it just be ...
Programmer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do I need to make my code open source or buy a license? [closed]

I want to develop a GUI in python for my company in order to sell it to the customer. Being fresh from the university where I used pyQt, I promptly started programming using that library, just to ...
Francesco Pegoraro's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

AGPL - passwords in code

I'm looking at putting up a fan site for an author using code released under the AGPL. Under the AGPL, as I understand it, I would need to publish my code modifications. This is entirely fine. ...
OrgnlDave's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Can GPLv3+ library be used as a component of a larger, LPGLv3+ library [duplicate]

The question is in the title. My guess is that the answer is "No", but I would appreciate confirmation. This page mentions as a downside of the Lesser GPL that using it permits use of the library in ...
Rastapopoulos's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

To what extent can you use LD_PRELOAD to circumvent the GPL?

I'm not exactly sure what the history behind this, but Debian and Ubuntu currently wraps around some of the PostgreSQL utilities with something called pg_wrapper. This utility uses LD_PRELOAD to ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

For GPL, do trained neural network models count as source code?

GPL requires all source code be made available, but I am unsure how trained neural network models interact with GPL since it's unclear if these models count as source code. To have a concrete example ...
emettomet's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

GPL with exception to use without publishing the source [closed]

I am using a GPL licensed library which stated clearly that it is OK to link to it in commercial projects without the need to publish your own source code (as an exception to the regular GPL that ...
Humam Helfawi's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Can I include a GPL v3 binary with my proprietary application if I prompt the user to download it at install time?

I have a proprietary application that I want to distribute and sell. The application uses a GPL v3 licensed binary/library. Since I don't want to distribute the source of my application and also want ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

If you manage a BSD-licensed open source project, how do you guard against someone illegally contributing GPL-licensed code?

An open source project licensed under BSD, MIT or another permissive license accepts code contributions from the community. How can I prevent someone from taking GPL-licensed code that they don't own ...
Joe's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

GNU license and hosting source code

Currently working with a client and their lawyers to launch a web application. The website will be hosted in AWS on Debian Linux instances. Debian contains (among others) the GNU General Public ...
timothyclifford's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Can I distribute binaries of my GPLv3 software? [closed]

I have licensed my software under GPLv3 and made it available on Github as an open source repository. Am I allowed(under GPLv3) to distribute binary releases of the application so it is easier to use ...
Vivek Joshy's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Work under GPL without license version number [closed]

I understand that I should consult a lawyer for this if this is is an important matter, but since it is not, I am just going to ask here. What are the legal implications if one distribute their work ...
Haemin Yoo's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

GPLv2 licensed COM objects called in a commercial application [closed]

I have a legacy application that works with DirectShow filters installed in the system, these are essentially treated as COM components and not directly linked or distributed with the application. If ...
user208478's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What kind of license/copyright is this? Can I use this in a GPLv3 licensed project? [closed]

I intent to release my code under the GPLv3 license. No problem to do this, until I came upon a 3rd party file. Their owners have the following statement in it (and no other statement regarding ...
Manos Ikonomakis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using Qt in Open Source App that Communicates with Closed Source Hardware

Preface I'm having trouble determining if I can use the Qt framework for developing a cross platform desktop app. Situation The app is open source, and the libraries it uses are also open source. ...
Megabytte's user avatar

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