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... and they have some pretty nice things to say about us, too! Here are just a few.

Snipe IT is a hell of a piece of software and has turned out incredibly useful for me.

Matthew Carey
Chemical Industries

Snipe-IT is a huge improvement from anyone attempting (and likely failing) to do any type of significant asset tracking through spreadsheets but without much (or any) budget for a commercial option.

Capterra Review

It works flawlessly for us. I really dig your approach to development, and you should know your product is making inventory really easy for us here.

Eric Hanko

Snipe-IT absolutely excels at asset management. With easy installation, configuration, incredible features and intuitive use, it surpasses any kind of similar asset management solution, and the community is absolutely top notch.

Hugo Tomás

I really like this project. I've used it at a couple of different places and everyone is always impressed with how easy it is to use.

Duo Security

Huge fan of Snipe-IT - amazing product. I can't believe it's free :)

Nick Von Ogden
Indiana University

It's not only an inventory software to replace Excel. It's a whole methodology that takes you by the hand on managing your IT assets.

Triple H Group

After an extensive search we were glad to come across Snipe IT. And since then, we've not looked back! After some month running it on site, we switch to the hosted solution. This product has made managing our inventory a breeze. It's open-source, feature-packed, the pricing for the hosted solution is significantly better than similar products and support from the team is excellent. Highly recommended!

Chidi Okwudire

When our school district decided on a 1:1 device deployment, we needed a way to track which student had which device, keep maintenance records of a device and to keep track of which students purchased an optional protection plan for the device they were given. We also needed a low cost solution, and many of the options geared toward a 1:1 device deployment were very expensive. We came across Snipe-IT in our hunt for a way to keep accurate records of which students had which devices. After installing the software on-premises, we quickly realized Snipe-IT offered every thing the district needed at a great price, free! We watched development of the software over a period of 6 months. With a steady stream of updates, a very active development team, the ability to import users with ldap, and documentation that made the product rock solid, we made the decision to move the districts entire technology inventory to Snipe-IT software. Our 1:1 device deployment went without a hitch in August thanks to Snipe-IT software.

William Lewis
East Carter County R-II School District

Just wow! Great product for free. We will make a donation of course!! Implemented in one day and integrated with our CRM in less. Thank you!

Josh Henderson

This tool seems to fit us well. We have wanted to do asset management for a while and we get hung up with the complexity of other tools. This one got us going quickly and easily. It is the right fit.

Mark F.
Higher Education

What is better than free software? FREE SOFTWARE THAT WORKS GREAT! Been in IT professional for over 10+ years and Snipe-IT is the best Asset Tracking software I ever used and managed. No more moans and groans about excel sheets, missing changelogs, bad UI, or learning curves. All you need is Lamp Stack and a little bit of Linux Kung Fu.

Galis Wong

Been playing around with it for a few days now, managed to import some information, played around with the API and see great possibilities for this tool. I really like the 'Accept assets' functionality (and the signature functionality works a charm on a 2-in-1 laptop), and the deployment options. All in all functionality is great and even our financial department is charmed by it :) So, Thanks for a great tool!

Conclusion Xforce BV

Being able to have so many sortable data fields for each item is incredible! Almost limitless possibilities of how to manage and track inventory. Management of consumable stock is also incredibly easy thanks to its limits and notifications.

Church of the Highlands

I use Snipe-IT, via docker, just to record the IT assets I own in my home. But as a dev for over 40 years (really!) I wanted to post on here to celebrate what I believe to be the best-run software project I have come across. Period. And I mean this with either FOSS or Commerical projects. There is always a clear description of _all_ changes in an update - no "various security and performance updates" so-called release notes! There is advanced warning of any changes to the underlying php/laravel so there is time to adapt. Plus the often-underrated commodity that changes are pretty much always backwards compatible/default to current behaviour. I know how much work all of these items take in addition to producing a great product/code so I appreciate it all the more. This is the example I always give others as a role-model for how to treat users. Congratulations snipe and all the team!


Snipe-IT has brought order to chaos and has given us wonderful pigeon-holes for all of those important bits of information. Even better, we can ask better questions and get faster answers. We literally went from a three-ring binder to track equipment loans to an automated tool with barcode scanners. If you work on a team and are tracking things with a spreadsheet, level-up to Snipe-IT.

Dennis Wurster
Eastman School of Music - University of Rochester

I joined an accounting firm as an IT tech, and quickly grew tired of how the company had been trying to track their internal IT assets on an Excel spreadsheet, with predictably inaccurate results. The proprietary ITAM options were more expensive than anyone wanted to shell out for, and proprietary software has bitten me enough times that I wanted to avoid it if possible, so I researched some more, and found Snipe-IT. Snipe-IT has made my life so much easier, and it's really helped the IT operations of the business to run so much smoother. I know where everything is and who has what, and our ITAM turmoil is no more. And the best part is that I didn't have to spend a penny to get it set up; all it took was some time and Linux-Fu. I'll be leaving this company soon, but I'm putting together lots of documentation so my successor can take over our Snipe-IT server. I know for sure that I'll be singing my praises of Snipe-IT wherever I go next, and I think I'll get an instance running to manage my inventory at home. That's one of the other beautiful things about it - It may be designed as an IT asset register, but it's so wonderfully customisable that I could probably use if for my 3D printing materials, record collection, spice rack, etc. Thank you so much for this amazing software. Much love <3

Reece D.


We use Twitter to announce new releases, and also to learn more about how our community uses Snipe-IT. Nothing makes our day more than when folks tell us how Snipe-IT is solving their problems. Join the conversation with us @snipeitapp.

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