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224 votes

Has Phil Karlton ever said "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things"?

As his only son, and colleague with him at Netscape from 95-97, I can attest that my dad did indeed throw that quote around, on more than one occasion. I'm fairly confident that he originated it (he ...
David Karlton's user avatar
74 votes

Does the source code of the software for a high-end car contain on average around 100 million lines of code?

Ford has said that the F150 pickup has 150 million lines of code. According to the New York Times: Twenty years ago, cars had, on average, one million lines of code. The General Motors 2010 ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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45 votes

Does the source code of the software for a high-end car contain on average around 100 million lines of code?

LOC is a particularly bad metric, because it raises the question of what is a line of code. Do you include whitespace and comments? Compiler directives? Preprocessor definitions? How about lines ...
Graham's user avatar
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35 votes

Is 41% of all code on GitHub AI-generated?

It's likely a misinterpretation. Scott Guthrie, Microsoft Executive Vice President of Cloud and AI, in an interview at Morgan Stanley TMT Conference in March 2023 spoke about some statistics they saw ...
Rob Watts's user avatar
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21 votes

Does talking to a rubber duck improve programmer performance when debugging?

You're not going to find studies that do something like compare the effectiveness of a rubber duck vs a stuffed parrot specifically for programmers working on debugging tasks, nor can we really ...
BradC's user avatar
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14 votes

Does the source code of the software for a high-end car contain on average around 100 million lines of code?

NASA Report on Toyota Camry Unintended Acceleration Investigation mentions 463,473 lines of code only in the engine control module.
Rsf's user avatar
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11 votes

Did the creator of Unix say "One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code."?

To answer this question, I started by searching for old internet references of the quote. The oldest confirmed reference of the quote was here on page 68 of the pdf. This pdf is a "public HTML draft" ...
Barry Harrison's user avatar
9 votes

Does the source code of the software for a high-end car contain on average around 100 million lines of code?

That inforgraphic provides sources for all the data it contains. The number in the particular claim about car software comes from this article, which specifically states that they counted LOC used in ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
9 votes

Did Babbage write programs for the Analytical Engine prior to Lovelace?

According to the 1970 article Von Neumann's First Computer Program: it is not the earliest instance of a computer program. We have Lady Lovelace's description of a program for calculating ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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8 votes

Do professional software developers write an average of 10 lines of code per day?

The 2nd edition of Code Complete cites Cusumano et al. (2003) for the best-known (till then) industry figure(s). The paper is based on a survey of 104 projects in four regions of the globe. The ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
6 votes

Is code read more often than it's written?

The full quote itself (from your source) provides reasons for this being true (emphasis mine): Indeed, the ratio of time spent reading versus writing is well over 10 to 1. We are constantly reading ...
ewanc's user avatar
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3 votes

Does having a specification result in better code?

After reading this question I wondered if there be statement about this on the free book Evidence-based Software Engineering. After a quick review I was able to find a statement on chapter 6 "...
Luxspes's user avatar
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1 vote

Do programmers who learn to type faster become better programmers?

According to Cognitive Consequences of Programming: Augmentations to Basic Instruction Journal of Educational Computing Research , volume 2, pages 75-93 (1986): Teachers we surveyed recommended ...
DavePhD's user avatar
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